ADCF: Disappearance: Searching Arc: Turnabout on the Road (Demo)

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/March 3, 2030; 8:04 pm, U.S. Route 163 - Arizona-Utah Borderline ~ Angel Silveria's POV/

We rode a taxi from L.A. to here... Hm, it's night now. How long did the ride take?

We got out of the taxi and, obviously, the surroundings was dark-save for the lights given by the moonlight and the stars. I could see blurry lights from the distance, however. I think we should check that out later...

"Whew! We're finally here!" Rebecca cheered almost too enthusiastically. Why so happy, Becky? Ooh, that rhymed.

Anyway, the taxi drove away and we are left here for good.

"It's so dark..." I muttered to myself. "Anyone have a light?"

Of course, I have my own light...not like I want to show them that. I looked at my own hands... Geez, I hate having to wear these things.

"I have more than that, m'lady!" Nova cheered, determined. "I also have a shelter here!"

"How is that even possible?" Sharon asked, raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms. "You have a tent or something?"

He shook his head and smirked, laughing to himself. "I actually have a small house here." He then pulled a capsule inside his coat pockets and threw it to the ground. A relatively small house-probably made of various metals-folded out of it.

"Whoa!" Rebecca and Sharon were clearly shocked. "That's awesome!"

That is awesome... But somehow, I just can't show my feelings... Hm.

"Not amazed, Angel?" He asked.

"I am," I simply said.

"Oh... Um... Okay!"

"Anyway," I changed the topic, "we'll have to walk from here now. Observe every little thing that Mr. Lawton started and finish them. He said that Mysteria gave him hints here too, but he didn't really manage to get or even find out what those hints really were. Are you guys ready?"

They all nodded; Nova and Becca even cheered.

I nodded in return.

"Let's start walking now," I said, gesturing them. "We'll take a rest if I want to only, okay?"

They all groaned and sighed. But they had no choice but to agree.

"Anyway, I saw blurry lights from the road ahead of us," I pointed out. "We should check those out, yeah?"
We're nearing the source of the lights...

Nova actually gave us flashlights so we could see the way. Anyway!

What we thought were just lights from some town...quickly escalated when we saw a scene of a...
... crash!

"Wh-what the?!" I yelled. "A car crash happened!"

Everyone came running and checked things out. I heard them scream and gasp in shock.

"A-a car crash!" They exclaimed.

"Quick! Let's check around! Someone might be injured!" Rebecca screamed, frantically rushing towards a door. She knocked and screamed.

The two cars that crashed were a taxi and a normal blue car. Wait! A taxi? That's the taxi we just rode in! The taxi's door to the driver's seat was opened for some reason though... Trails of blood came from inside to who knows where. The cars had tinted glass so I couldn't see what or who was inside the other car.

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