Happy New Year!!

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Hello, everyone! I'm Lance Jared Baniaga wishing you all a happy, happy new year!

Whew! What a year! A LOOOT happened in my life this year. That is actually the reason why I wasn't active in Wattpad... Yeah... So many problems...

But I'm ready to let all of that go! Because I want 2018 to be different!

Soooo I don't really know what else to talk about, so how about I tell you how my year went, huh? I can't really say I have a good memory, but I'll tell y'all what I remember (and chose to remember)!

Numero uno, I had a "girlfriend" whom I met and dated at around March, I think. Well, we broke up this September or October, I think... You see, this is one of those memories I choose to forget about...

But good news! I have a new "girlfriend" and, well, I'm not saying who she is but if you wanna let them know, just comment, okay?! Okay, I think I made it pretty obvious now XD But yeah! So far we're going pretty good ^^ And I do hope it continues till we finally meet in real life (which is what I'm hoping to happen some day).

Next up, we have the fact that I've discovered my other talent! Which is, even though it's still pretty bad, voice acting! I wanna become a voice actor one day or, if fate gives it, this 2018. A simple show or something for Youtube or somewhere in the internet will do! I wanna hone this skill of mine!

And speaking of skills... I've FINALLY decided to continue my writing career and even set a schedule of when to write. My problem is that I push myself to write too much sometimes. So now, I'm just chillin' XD I'll write if I feel like it, I won't write if I don't feel like it. And so far, so good! I haven't got far from finishing the next chapter for Despair and Retribution, but still! PROGRESS!

And even though I have nothing to publish for my books yet, I still have my random book that I now constantly and will continue to update! Letting you guys know of my ideas or my life or anything else! Whew! Here's for my writing career this 2018! XD

Then there were my problems... I chose to forget about them, but DAMN aren't they stressful and they really pushed most of my positivity off the cliff. But I'm slowly getting back, I'm slowly getting better ^^ As long as I have my friends and family to guide me, I'll be fine. As long as I have God beside me, I'll definitely be a-okay! ^_^

This was also the year that many ideas popped up my mind! Those ideas I told you? Heh, those are just icings and toppings for the big cake! I HAVE LOTS MORE!

Imagine! Gods and goddesses for the multiversal elements of the Ace Detective Multiverse? Check! Many freaking species of humanoid and non-humanoid life forms for said multiverse? Check! What to we have in store? Oh, we just got some elves, goblins, trolls, orcs, Necronian ghost-like creatures from the Necronia Realm! Expect weirdness, sci-fi, and mystical, magical things combine into one multiverse!

These are still ideas, but, by all means, I'm gonna turn these into a nice book or two or MORE! And if I ever stray from this path of creativity and writing, please do remind me as my memory is not the best XD

This year, there was so many things I experienced... As a result, I've changed quite a lot. I came from a very enthusiastic, hopeful guy to a worrisome, doubtful one... Yeah, that was kind of a big change, but I'm trying to get back up ^^ I'm trying to be my former self again. I admit that I am but a shadow of my former self nowadays, but I promise I'll get back ^_^

Yeeeeah, not really much to review this year, aside from I think I've given you all the saddest death for D&R (for now) XD

Weeelp, that's really all! XD Don't you all worry! I'll be updating a lot more this time, thus giving us more things to review for when 2018 ends ^^

I wish you all have a happy, happy new year! Let's hope for a great year, coolsies! Stay cool! Stay safe! PEACE OUT!

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