More Ideas!

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Hello, everyone! Guess what? I have more ideas!! XD

This is more of a teaser more than anything but...

Before I reveal my plans, you guys remember Chief of Police Paul Leece? I do XD And I got plans for him!

In the chapter he appeared in, The Deathly Turnabout, he starts as more of a cameo character who gave Vesgate permission to re-open the UT-9 case and seems to know something about it...since he led the investigation of that case himself.

It seems that in A New Beginning, Paul didn't know so much about the places involved in the UT-9 case other than they are involved in the case.

Well, since I rebooted the universe through The Paradoxical Turnabout, I decided to make Paul become more involved with the people involved in UT-9. People like the owner and employees of Sunshine Orphanage, the scientist trio (Willard Quant, Edgar Zamboss, and Brin Zaster), and the Underwood orphans among many others.

And that brings us to my plans for him!

I'm making a series of books centering around Paul Leece's life in the force! Ain't that great? ^_^ We'll get to know him more this time!

Aaaand that's about it for now XD I think I'll discuss some of the characters' backstory at some point in time, but for now...

Stay cool, coolsies! PEACE OUT!

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