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[ E D I T E D ]


Today wasn't really a special day, like Christmas or a birthday, but I decided to get Tyler a puppy. He'd been asking me for a long while now, and I'd finally caved in.

Tyler had went to Jenna's house for a little bit just to hang out today, and so I used this time to get the three-month old German Shepard puppy into our house and all set up.

Of course, I've had my doubts about this puppy. First of all, puppies need to eat. After they eat, they poop and pee. And since it's a puppy, I'll have to potty train it.

Then, let's not forget the whole trying to play with everything, and tearing every fucking thing up. Lord knows that puppy will tear things up. But, Tyler wants this puppy really, really bad.

The door suddenly opened, and all I heard was Tyler yelling out, "Joshie-wah! I'm home!" And he ran into my arms, hugging me like a koala.

"Hey sunshine! Did you have fun at Jenna's?" He nods, getting down from my embrace.

"Well I've gotta go to the bathroom really quick, okay?" I say. Tyler only nods and I quickly walk out of the room.

I go into our shared bedroom to check on the puppy. He's laying on our bed, chewing up a toy I had bought.

Deciding the puppy was okay, I walk into the kitchen to see Tyler stretching to get the cookie jar on top of the fridge.

"You know those are up there for a reason, Tyler." Startled, Tyler jumped.

He rolls his eyes. "Josh? Can I have cookies and milk?" He says in a sarcastic tone.

I laugh and wave him off. "Hey, can you go in our room really quick and see if my charger is on the nightstand?" I ask.

"Sure," Tyler says, and walks to our room, and when he opened the door, he squealed. "Josh! There's a puppy in our room! Come look!"

I walk to our room to see him already cuddled with the puppy. "I know sunshine. I got him for you!"

Tyler squeals again and runs up to me, bear hugging me. "Thank you thank you thank you Josh! I love you very very much! Thank you!"

I laugh, "I love you too! What are you gonna name him?" Tyler smiles big, "His name will be... Maxie!"

"Maxie. That's a very nice name. Come on, let's go cuddle with Maxie okay?"

And that's what we did most of the day.

Another short one, oops?

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