prologue + cast list + author's note

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"When will I meet my soulmate again?" I asked my parents.

We all were gathered around the kitchen table, talking about our days like always. Mom sat in her chair at the head of the table, her hazel eyes stealing glances at my father. Dad, who was standing, ran a hand through his dark brown hair and did the same.

The two of them chuckled. "The minute you turn eighteen," they responded in unison. Dad had set down a plate of four-year-old food at Dean's spot at the table. Dean, my little brother, was currently napping in his room like he often did before he ate dinner.

"Troy, who's house is Jaxon sleeping over at?" Mom asked Dad. Jaxon is my older brother, and it's a relief having him out of the house. He always pulled my hair and teased me, all because he's older!

Dad answered, "He's at the Sharp's house, dear." Gently, he kissed Mom's blonde hair before sitting down next to me.

"Ew!" I squealed. I was disgusted by my parent's cuteness until another question popped into my head. "How long is it until I turn eighteen?"

"Luna, you just turned seven yesterday, and you have to wait until you're eighteen–." Mom started.

Dad finished her thought. "About eleven years."

I flailed my pale arms around and slammed them on the table. I complained, "That's way too long! I needed someone to give me chocolate and love me forever yesterday!"

Both of them giggled at my brat like comment. "Sweetheart, things just aren't that easy," Mom said with a look that I couldn't quite place.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "So Disney princess movies are full of lies? That's my life there! My life is full of lies!"

Before either of them could respond, the oven beeped, signaling the pizza was ready.

Mom and Dad both got up at the same time. "Sit down, darling," Mom said. "You had a long day at work." She went over and kissed him on top of his head while Dad grinned slightly.

"Should I be disgusted again?" I questioned.

"For now you can be disgusted, Luna. Boys will probably be disgusting forever, it's a science. Love, however, won't be as disgusting when you fall for someone," Mom explained, moving her hands around to emphasize her point. She took the pepperoni pizza over to the table and set it down. We each took a slice after grace and began eating.

My lips puckered. "What's a science?"

"Never mind." Mom snorted.

"Tell me, what was it like Mom? It comes from Dad's side of the family, right?"

"Yes, it does. If your dad had told me correctly, the Ashrose family has some magic within them, passed down from multiple generations to those with the family blood. Now, are you sure you want to hear the whole story?"

I nodded my head vigorously in response. "I want to hear about the magic!"

Mom laughs softly. "Well, I was sitting on my bed, reading a book. And the next thing I know I was sitting on a different bed and in a different room. I sat there for two minutes, wondering what in the world was happening." She playfully glared at my father.

"How was I supposed to do anything about it?" Dad said in mock annoyance. He continued with his side of the story. "I was prepared, of course. I left a note saying, 'it'll all be over in a minute or two'. Then, thankfully, I found a sharpie and wrote my home phone number on her arm."

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