chapter twenty/epilogue

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"I think that's when you know you love someone.
When you proudly share all parts of your life with them.
When you want them in all parts of your life.
Love isn't a single line,
love is a link between separate worlds."

The dark oak doors were the only thing that kept me from seeing the rest of my life. Once they opened, I could finally obtain the happiness that I'd been waiting for my entire life.

"I can't believe you're getting married." Willow smiled and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"I can." Turning to face her, I grabbed her hands and continued, "It just feels right, to get married to him right now."

Emmeline gently smiled at the two of us, holding her daughter's hand and smoothing down her dress with the other. "What Luna feels is accurate. The time feels right."

"It's just weird, you two just graduated a few months ago, and now you're getting married!" Willow started fanning near her eyes. "I'm going to cry." A tear rolled down her cheek as she blubbered, "My best friend is getting married to her soulmate! Finn and you are so perfect together and I love it."

It just felt right to be marrying Finn now, at this moment. He had graduated from the University of Southern California with his filmmaking degree a few weeks before I graduated from UCLA with my psychology degree.

He did help me find what I wanted to do. I wanted to help kids like me, those with anxiety and other disorders that they need someone to talk to and something to work toward.

It also worked well, the two of us being only twenty-five minutes away from each other until we moved off campus together. And things only got better from there.

I remember my graduation night clearly, me still in my gown, and Finn dropping to his knee and asking me to marry him. I'm pretty sure that was the happiest day of my life to date.

I'm sure this one will top it.

"Are you ready, Luna?" Isabelle, my wedding planner, asked.

Giving her a quick nod, I looked at the rest of the groomsmen and my bridesmaids. My brothers, Adrian, Willow, Emmeline, Drew, Ryan, and my best college friends, Natasha, Marie, and Becca, all looked at me with grins on their faces. My young niece, Adeline, couldn't be bothered to look at me when the flowers before her were so interesting. And my father didn't say anything, just smiled gently and took my hand.

One group at a time, all of them started going to walk down the aisle until I was just with Willow and Adrian. "You've got this, my darling. Finn's going to faint when he sees you."

Adrian rolled his eyes and stuck his arm out for his fiancee to take a hold of.

And then there was me and my father.

"Oh god, I'm getting married!" I squealed, probably radiating with excitement.

The last few years had all been leading up to this. All of our fights, all of our time spent apart, all of our fun times, teasing, every single thing has led up to this. Me, marrying my soulmate, Finn Jexson.

Fate has really put me in a good place and I couldn't be more grateful.

"I couldn't be more proud of you and Finn, Luna. I hope you know that," Dad said as he linked his arm through mine.

"I know, Dad, I know." I gently pressed a kiss against his cheek.

With one quick nod, I let Isabelle know that I was one-hundred percent ready to do this.

The music swelled as the doors opened up to reveal the long aisle before me. I walked with as much grace as I could muster and put one foot in front of the other, gripping my fathers arm tighter than I probably should.

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