chapter six

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"First we feel.
Then, we fall."

I barely got any sleep that night. My conversation with Finn kept repeating itself over and over inside of my head.

Eventually, I got about thirty minutes of sleep before I was woken up by my phone. I practically jumped out of my bed, hoping that it was Finn, and nearly screamed when it wasn't. It was Willow, wondering if I wanted to go out for a day at the coastline with the boys. After asking my parents if I could, I texted her to pick me up at noon.

A day at the coastline would do me some good, get my mind off of the asshole that seemed to be running wild in my thoughts. Maybe his stupid voice and stupid good looks would leave my mind until he talked to me again, or I talked to him.


Okay, so a day at the coast was not as helpful as I thought it would be.

The car ride there was nice and fun, and singing out loud to all the songs on the radio with my friends was the best time I've had in a while. Drew and Ryan continued to crack me up when they sang Call Me Maybe and Blank Space.

At the beach, we did the usual things we did. First, we walked around the ocean line, talking and joking. Then we all started splashing each other or kicking water with our feet. After that, we played a game of beach volleyball, boys against girls (the boys totally deny the fact that we won fair and square). Finally, we were all tired and started the trek back to our homes.

But during the day I kept checking my phone, whether I was conscious of it or not. I kept hoping that Finn would call or text, apologize for the rude things he said to me. I kept thinking that I would apologize after he did. Unfortunately, he never called. The only things that were popping up on my phone were messages from my parents who were wondering how I was doing.

My friends knew something was up with me, but I just told them that I didn't get enough sleep last night. Apparently, my lie was believable because they all gave me a speech on how important sleeping was for me, and that I needed to get eight hours of sleep per night. That was typical, and I promised them all that I would get some more shut eye before school started.

It was Ryan's turn to drive that time, so I tried to take a little nap in the backseat of his car. Once again, all my mind could think about was Finn.

That guy is your soulmate, shouldn't you try and get along with him? One side of me asked.

The other was content with being stubborn. No! He needs to apologize first.

Since both sides were at war, I came up with the conclusion that I should let the cards fall as they may.


Screw the damn cards, I was going to call him.

The clock in my room read 6:42pm when I started pacing, and wondering, and worrying. It read 7:05pm when I finally made my decision to call him. I knew I had to be the one to talk first. If he was half as stubborn and not as desperate as I was, he wouldn't call me for months.

I ran a hand through my hair as I glared at my phone. Calling him would make me feel desperate, but at the same time I need answers. This is the guy that I am supposed to be with. Our fates were written long ago, and I really needed to see how our story played out.

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