chapter five

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"Do you think
that fate fights for our souls
to be together?
Some things are too strange,
some things are too strong
to be coincidences."

When I saw a face on my screen, it took my entire self control not to let my jaw drop.

This supposed Finn was hotter than the surface of the sun, and I wasn't even seeing him in person. In a few small seconds, I took in his chocolate brown locks and how they messily fell over a bit of his forehead. I noticed his strong and sharp jawline. But what shocked me most was his eyes, they looked almost too bright.

He also seemed to soak in my appearance for a moment, his eyes widening as he did so. His face shifted from intrigue to hard concentration in a matter of moments.

"How is there a reasonable explanation for switching bodies?" Finn paused a moment, and it gave me time to realize that was not what I expected his first words to me would be. Then, he continued, "You know what? Somehow you don't even have to say anything to make my head hurt."

The words flew out of my mouth before I could even process them. "Well screw you, soulmate."

Finn didn't even try to mask his surprise. His jaw slightly dropped, and his eyes blinked slowly. A blank look of confusion fell like a mask over his face.

My own eyes widened at my stupidity. Did I even have a filter? Why did I just blurt that out? All of the ways I'd practiced this conversation throughout my entire life and this is how it turned out. Oh, I screwed up, I royally screwed this up.

"What did you just say?" Finn said, so soft I almost didn't hear it.

"Screw you?" I anxiously laughed, internally cringing at myself.

Finn ran a hand through his hair. "No, you know what you said. I want to hear you say it again."

I sighed. "Screw you." I paused, taking a deep breath. "Soulmate."

Finn chuckled humorlessly. "You're kidding me."

I glared at my screen, hoping to let him know how serious this is. "Unfortunately, I am not."

He squinted his eyes slightly. "What do you mean 'unfortunately'? I'd be an awesome soul–." Something must've gone off inside his head, making him pause and think.

I raised an eyebrow. "Well? Got anything to say?"

"How is this possible? Was it even real?" Finn asked.

"Of course it's real! We switched bodies, Finn." He didn't seem to notice that I already knew his name.

"Prove it!" he challenged.

I quirked an eyebrow and tilted my chin higher. "Your name is Finn Jexson. You were at a party talking to your friends, whose names are Alex and Wesley, when we switched. When we switched back, you were outside and Ashley Morrison was either about to kiss you or kissing you."

Once again, Finn's jaw dropped. He looked like a wide-eyed Bambi, and it made me chuckle quietly. His eyes became fierce. "How do I know that you weren't just watching my every move from the party?"

"We literally switched bod—!" I stopped myself. Yelling at him would only solve my anger, not our problems. Lowering my voice, I continued, "You have a tattoo. An outlined heart over your own heart. I saw some black ink out of the corner of my eye, pulled your tank top down, and saw it. Why do you have a tattoo anyway?"

Screw You, SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now