chapter seventeen

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"I began to wonder how long
you'd been on my mind.
Then it occurred to me:
since I met you,
you haven't left."

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! It's Christmas!"

A large weight crashed into my side just as I was about to open my eyes, almost knocking me off my bed.

"Dean, what the hell." I wiped the gunk out of my eyes and moved to sit up. "You could've just shaken me awake or yelled in my ear. No! You decide to physically harm me. Some brother you are."

He grinned at me. "I'm just excited it's Christmas, and I know you are too, deep down in that sleepy little soul of yours."

I shoved his head into my other pillow. "Yeah, yeah. Can you leave and give me like five minutes alone, please?"

"But Jaxon and Emmeline are already here," he whined. "And breakfast is almost ready! The sooner we eat, the sooner we can open the presents! Besides, you'll just fall back asleep as soon as I leave the room."

"Are you sure you aren't a seven-year-old in a fifteen-year-old body? Because that would explain so many things right now."

Getting out of bed was the worst feeling, but I managed. "See, I'm out of bed right now, on my feet, moving around." I wiggled my arms and jumped up and down. "See?"

Dean's attention shifted and a smirk started to form on his face. "Where'd you get that sweatshirt?"

Last night's events started to hit me as I looked down at the sweatshirt. Me going crazy and driving to the coast. Finn deciding to come and make sure I was okay. The two of us working things out and just talking. Oh goodness gracious.

"It's obviously a men's hoodie. It can't be Drew's, he's too small and his sweatshirts would never fit you. It can't be Ryan's because I know that he prefers pullovers and not hoodies. I definitely know it's not from me or Jaxon or Dad, which means it must've come from some other male in your life. One that you are close enough to that he would lend you a hoodie."

His smirk turned into a full on grin as he finally came to his conclusion. "You met up with Finn last night, didn't you? That's where you got the hoodie?"

"You could be a detective, little brother." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Yes!" He clapped his hands together in glee. "All of my countless hours of watching cop shows have finally paid off!"

As he started to leave the room, I said, "You only watch one, Brooklyn Nine-Nine."

"So? That show is a national treasure." He walked out of the room with a confident smile. "Oh damn!"

"I'm not denying that!"

All I did was change sweatshirts, brush my hair, and try to recall some other events that happened last night when Finn met up with me. He listened to my problems, let me fall asleep on his shoulder, gave me his hoodie. I ranted to him about everything, I hugged him, I invited him to the New Year's Eve party.

Shit, I invited him to the New Year's Eve party. I set a reminder on my phone, 'tell Willow about Finn and friend coming to party before she can flip out'.

When I finally make an appearance in the kitchen, Jaxon immediately tackles me into a bear hug. "Little sister, I've missed you so much!"

"Jaxon, I saw you yesterday," I laughed, hugging him back.

"I can't miss my only sister? I'm wounded! Darling, come help me, I think I've been shot!"

Emmeline barely looked up from what she was cooking on the stove. "Stop being such a drama queen."

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