chapter thirteen

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"I think that I can find
a forever in you.
In your thoughts, words,
and actions,
I can see my kind of

"Dean! Get up and get ready, we're going to the grocery store to get some things that we forgot."

Mercilessly, I kept banging on his door until he opened it up. To piss him off, I ruffled his already messed up hair and put on my biggest grin. "Wake up, sleepyhead."

"Why are you waking me up at eleven? It's Thanksgiving break and I should be sleeping until noon at least." He rubbed his eyes and then stretched his arms over his head, yawning in the process.

Rolling my eyes, I explained, "Correction it's Thanksgiving day. The reason why I'm interrupting your much-needed beauty sleep is that Mom doesn't trust me to go to the grocery store by myself. She says that I need someone with me to make sure I don't spend the money on sweets instead of the stuff we actually need."

He gave the best death glare he could in his tired state. "I hate you." With that, he turned and slammed the door in my face.

"Five minutes! I'll be waiting in the car." I shouted, heading for the stairs.

"Whatever!" he yelled back.

Grabbing a granola bar for Dean on my way to the car, I told Mom that Dean and I were leaving for the store in five minutes.

"Money is on the table, sweetheart. No candy!" she replied from behind the kitchen counter.

"Boo!" Dad yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah, boo!" I agreed, walking out the door.

Once in the car, I started the engine and turned on the heat. I pulled out my phone to pass the time waiting for Dean and saw I had one new notification at the top of my screen.

Text message from Finn Jexson:
Happy Thanksgiving! Make sure to make a mashed potatoes snowman and take a picture for me lol.
Sent at 11:09 am.

Okay, I told you that happened when I was six! Happy Thanksgiving to you too, eat lots of food you stick.
Sent at 11:17 am.

Dean opened his car door and sat in the passenger seat, buckling his seatbelt. "What are you smiling at?"

"Finn, he's an idiot. Oh, and this is for you." I tossed him the granola bar.

After taking a bite of it, he said, "You guys are starting to become sickeningly sweet. Always talking, always teasing each other."

"Shut up." I blushed a bit as I pulled out of the driveway and drove down the road. "We just occasionally text and call each other. It's friendship for now, okay?"

He held his hands out. "Look, all I'm saying is that Jax and Emmeline started that way and look at them now. I get a cavity just looking at them, all that sweetness and love. Same with Mom and Dad, it's disgusting."

I glanced at him. "Just you wait, baby brother. Once you meet your soulmate, you'll be the exact same way."

"Doubt it, big sis."

It made me chuckle just a bit, he was just how I was with Jaxon after Jaxon met Emmeline. What a shock he was going to get in three years.

Letting out a sigh, Dean asked, "What did Mom and Dad forget in the first place that would make them send us out in the first place?"

"They forgot the green beans and the pumpkin pie."

"What? Pie is the basis of an American Thanksgiving!" I gave him a look. "Okay, maybe not," he sheepishly admitted. "Though you have to agree it was stupid of them to forget the pie when it's the best part of our family meal."

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