chapter three

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"Important encounters are planned
by the souls
long before the bodies
see each other."

The first thing that I noticed was the pounding in my ears.

Some type of heavy rap music was playing very loudly, and everyone in front of me was jumping up and down to it.

A party, I'm at a party.

I quickly noticed lots of people on the dance floor, some were making out and disgustingly grinding on each other. Then there were the few dancers who were actually coming up with some type of routine on the spot, which was cool.

Bright neon colors were everywhere, such as the glow sticks on everyone's wrists and all of the neon decorations. It was almost blinding for me.

A pair of fingers snapped in front of my face. "Finn, hello, Finn Jexson are you in there?"

My soulmate's name is Finn Jexson.

Words failed to come out of my mouth as I turned to face the two dudes who I was standing next to.

One of them was taller than me and dark skinned, the other was frighteningly pale and short. Both of them held red solo cups in their hand with Heaven knows what in them. Only now do I realize that I also have a cup in my hand, and it takes all of my willpower not to drop it in shock. We were standing in front of a bar, which had alcohol stored on shelves behind it.

"Wesley, I think you broke Finn," the tall one spoke.

The so-called Wesley laughed. "C'mon, Alex it was just a simple question. I didn't expect him to freeze up like this."

What was I supposed to do? Wesley was in the middle of asking Finn a question when we switched, how was I supposed to respond? I felt my heartbeat, or Finn's heartbeat, get quicker with anxiety.

Turned out I didn't need to, because Alex saw the confused look on my face and laughed. "We just asked if you were going to sleep with Ashley Morrison again, or are you going to try out someone new tonight?"

Well that's fucking fantastic, my soulmate seemed like a man whore.

I wanted to be angry and not answer the question, but I didn't know how Finn would respond. So, I channeled my best man whore smirk and shrugged. "My man!" Wesley jokingly slapped my shoulder. So that was the right response, unfortunately.

Taking a quick drink, I realized that it was just beer in my cup. It tasted awful, but I felt like I had to do it for the sake of the show.

Then I realized I was a woman on a mission, or in this case, a man. Looking around me, I noticed a large door a couple feet away. The door was big and propped open, so I could definitely see that it was an exit.

It was hard to fight the urge to lower my voice, but I knew that whatever I said would be in Finn's voice. "I'm going to get some fresh air real quick."

Alex and Wesley nodded, and with that, I was speed walking to the doorway.

I patted around Finn's body in search for pockets or a place to put a cell phone. "C'mon," I muttered, having no luck.

My hand had hit something hard in the butt pocket. It was Finn's phone.

The phone had a fingerprint ID option on it, I just hoped that Finn set it up. His thumb was wet because of the condensation on his cup, and the fingerprint wouldn't go through.

"Please, please work!" I yelled, attracting a few weird stares around me. At that point, I honestly didn't care. Everyone was probably going to drink at the party and forget the minor details like Finn yelling at his phone.

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