chapter two

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"I knew right away that you
were it for me.
There were no reservations
or second thoughts.
I saw you and in an instant
knew in my bones,
my soul had known your
soul lifetimes ago."

My first words when I woke up on the morning of my eighteenth birthday were, "Holy shit, that's freezing!"

Cold water had been splashed all over my body, and in a panic, I jumped about ten feet in the air. My brown hair stuck to my forehead and my long night shirt was soaked.

The culprits that had made me freezing and wet, were none other than my dear brothers, Dean and Jaxon, both of them with buckets in their hand.

With giant grins on their faces and in a terribly off key tone, they began to sing, "Happy birthday, Luna! Happy, happy, happy birthday, to the greatest sister in the world!"

It took all of my restraint not to punch them in their stupid smiley faces. "Breakfast is ready downstairs!" they said in perfect unison.

The sheets and comforter were soaking wet, so I got out of bed to stand before the two monsters.

Jaxon and Dean stood side by side with the same wide smile on their faces. For a moment, it scared me how much they looked alike. Dean was seven years younger than Jaxon at 15, but he had Jaxon's hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair. The few things that were different about them was that Dean was six foot tall and was still growing like a beast, while Jaxon stopped growing when he was five-nine. Also, Dean's features were softer and younger than Jaxon's, but that will probably change as he gets older with age.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Dean remarked as he winked at me.

The two of them snickered as I glared at them. "I'm going to beat you guys up," I mock threatened.

Jaxon snorted. "As if you could, you're shorter than us."

At a strong five feet and six inches, I wasn't very threatening when it came to the height department. However, Willow told me that I had a 'resting bitch face' and can look very menacing when I wanted to.

"I may be shorter than you two, but I have a good right hook and uppercut." I raised an eyebrow, trying to look intimidating.

They saw through my look quickly, which wasn't that abnormal, they were my siblings after all. "You wouldn't hurt us though, would you big sis?" Dean said with a chuckle.

Making my bed, I replied, "Don't push your limits and you won't find out."

The two of them snickered as I let a smile show on my face. These boys were too much for me to handle sometimes, but I loved them to death.

A couple moments of simple silent bliss passed between all of us. If only it was like that all the time. "Happy birthday, little sister," Jaxon said softly.

"Yeah," Dean replied in the same tone. "Happy birthday, big sis."

My smile was genuine and true, even though I was still wet from their birthday morning surprise. "Thank you, boys."

I held my arms out for a hug and walked over to them, internally grinning. Both of them wrapped their arms around each other, then around me, engulfing me into their nice, warm, and dry clothing. "Ah!" they yelped.

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