chapter eleven

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"Whatever souls are
made out of,
his and mine
are the exact same."

"It's too lovely of a day to be back in Hell," said Drew.

Ryan looked at him quizzically. "Is there ever an opportune time to be back in hell?"

"No. Hell is a place where we go after we die, not here on Earth!"

Drew and Ryan continued to bicker while Willow and I shared an amused look with each other. First day back at school and it was like nothing had changed. The two idiots were playfully arguing and Willow and I looked at them with embarrassed amusement. Nothing too out of the ordinary.

What was out of the ordinary was the fact that it wasn't raining. Every single first day of school since my freshman year, it had rained. It seemed like other students in my grade seemed to notice it too. We all kept looking at the sky, wondering when the downpour was going to start.

All of us were outside in the quad, eating our lunch at a little picnic table far from the center. We liked our small friend group the way it was and we didn't feel like conversing with people we barely knew on the first day.

"Look, Ryan, all I'm saying is that there's a phrase 'Heaven on Earth'. Why can't the phrase 'Hell on Earth' be a thing?"

Sighing, I said, "Don't you guys need to go get your lunch?"

The two boys looked at each other. "I could eat," Ryan said.

Drew smiled and grabbed Ryan's hand, pulling him out of his seat. "I want to get to the ice-cream before all the freshmen do!"

Ryan rolled his eyes and yanked his hand back to his side, but not before blushing a teensy bit.

"Did you see that?" I asked Willow, opening up my lunch box.

Willow scoffed. "Of course I did, I am their biggest shipper. I see everything that goes on between them, unlike you."

"I see things!" I countered before shoving a few hot Cheetos in my mouth.

She smirked. "Bet you didn't see them dance at the wedding."

"They did what now?"

"Yeah, you were so wrapped up in your mystery guy—." She paused. "Wait a minute! You still haven't told me about mystery guy!"

"He can wait!" I defended. "Tell me about the boys."

Her hands flew out in a hurried rush that matched her hurried voice. "What basically happened is that those two were dancing to a pop song and then a slow song came on and Drew, as a joke, took Ryan by the waist and slow danced with him! Ryan, who looked like a floundering fish, by the way, slow danced back!"

I smiled before taking a bite of my sandwich. Things were really starting to look up for Ryan and Drew. Hopefully, they continue that uphill climb. It'd be nice for them to start a relationship and cement it before they go off to college.

A finger snapped in front of my face. "Luna? Were you listening to me?"

"Sorry, Willow, I kind of spaced out for a second. What were you saying?"

She snickered for a moment. When she was done with that, she asked, "Who was that guy at the party? I thought you wanted to stay with Finn."

"What party? I wasn't at Max's beginning of year party yesterday. Did you see someone who looked like me?"

Willow raised an eyebrow at me"That's not what I'm talking about, though that party was killer. I'm talking about the party after the wedding ceremony."

Suddenly, I'm feeling a bit bashful and scared for my life. Bashful because of Finn, scared because I hadn't told Willow yet.

"Oh," I muttered.

Giving me a pointed look, she shoves my shoulder telling me to go on.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and looked down at my sandwich. "The guy at the party might have been Finn," I admitted quickly before taking a bite of my sandwich.

Her eyes widened significantly and she stopped eating her salad mid-bite. Teasingly, I waved my hand in front of her face. "Hello," I said, "anybody in there?"

Needless to say, she slapped my hand away. After putting her fork back in her salad, she looked at me with as much scorn as she could at that moment. "You mean to tell me that it's been a week since the wedding, and you haven't told me that it was Finn you danced with!"

Flinching, I asked, "Are you mad?"

Willow's face softened. "A bit, but that's not the point." She smiled widely and shoved my shoulder playfully. "You danced with your soulmate! What was it like? Why was he there?"

Sheepishly, I tucked a piece of hair behind my hair and looked down. "My father knew his father and asked his family to come to the wedding to fill in some empty spots or something, I don't really know, and he was there. I actually helped his little sister find him.

"You saw him, how tall he was, how handsome he was. But I felt we kind of connected on a deeper level, you know? That could just be me misreading things though." I sighed and took another bite of my sandwich, effectively cutting off me having to explain more details.

Us two sat in silence for a few moments, gathering our final thoughts before the boys came back. We saw them before they saw us, and Willow whispered to me, "Don't think so much. If you think the connection was there, it has to be there. Trust your gut."

Ryan sat down with a plop while Drew scanned the courtyard for a few seconds more.

"Who are you looking for?" asked Ryan.

"The devil. I thought I caught his scent earlier; the stench of misery and rubber," Drew muttered.

Willow rolled her eyes. "Mr. Beykert isn't that bad, sometimes he can be nice you know."

"It's true," I added.

Scoffing, Drew finally sat down. "I know, he just hates me in particular."

"Who can blame him?"

All of us sent shocked looks at Ryan, and he just grinned. "What? You can't say I'm wrong."

Eventually, we all nodded our heads and agreed with him.


Author's note: Okay wow! I'm back! I bet you all thought I was gone for good but that's a no.

Life's been a bit crazy for me with physical therapy and coaching some of my team's games and school ending and other writing and me fangirling over movies and music. I'm in a constant mood of screaming into the oblivion it feels like. (I'm now in love with Moulin Rouge and I'm sure I'll be in love with Youngblood by 5SOS, just an FYI).

I'm sorry that this chapter is more of a filler chapter, but hopefully I'll get some exciting stuff up soon.

Thanks for all of you who stuck around, it honestly makes me cry that you guys still support this, even though it sucks! Love you all so much.

Lots of love,
Morgan Kay

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