chapter twelve

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"There are things our souls want
and mine wants you."

"Stairs are a bitch," I said with my chin over the cardboard box I was carrying.

Jaxon and Dean paused on the stair right behind me, catching their breaths and nodding along with my statement.

"Why did you guys choose to live in a place with no elevators?" Dean asked, shifting his box on to his shoulder.

Jaxon sighed. "For the millionth time, it has an elevator, but once a month they have to do maintenance checks on it."

Rolling his eyes, Dean said, "It's just your luck that the exact day they're doing these checks, you and your wife decide to move in. Coincidence? I think not!"

I snort. "You sound surprised, Dean. You know Jaxon has the worst luck, like ever."


With that, our short break was over and we were on our way up two more flights of stairs. Luckily, there were only a few smaller boxes left in the moving truck, which I could easily send Jaxon and Dean to get by themselves.

Emmeline was waiting for us when we finally reached their apartment. She welcomed us with a tired smile and let us put the boxes near the couch. Immediately after setting the boxes down, I shoved Dean out of the way and laid down on the couch.

"Luna, I'm going to sit on you if you don't move your ass," Dean threatened.

Smiling mockingly, I lifted up my head to face him for a second. "No, you aren't. You and Jaxon have to go get the final boxes out of the truck."

He turned to Jax to see if my statement was truthful, and his face fell when Jax nodded his head yes.

On his way out the door, I gave him a little wave, just to piss him off a tiny bit more. I mean, what else are siblings meant to do besides antagonize each other?

"Luna, can you help me unpack a box or two of clothing?" Emmeline asked. Internally, I groan, but I can never deny Emmeline. Getting off the couch was hard at first, yet I eventually followed her into her closet, where boxes of clothes were stacked upon each other.

"I'll take Jaxon's shirts and hang them up here, and you take mine and hang them up on that side of the closet," she told me.

Before starting, I asked, "Do you want me to organize them in a certain way?"

She responded, "Just organize them by sleeve length, I'll probably organize them again sometime soon. But for now, I just want them up and on the hangers."

I nodded my head an began hanging up the clothes from the first box. Both of us got into our own groove for a while before starting to talk.

"How's school?" Emmeline questioned.

Sighing, I responded, "It's going as well as can be expected, but since it's only the second month, I wouldn't be surprised if things started going to shit soon."

Emmeline snorted and nodded her head in understanding. "That is how things usually are, my dear."

My fingers drifted over the light material of the dress I was holding, momentarily distracting me from my job and from what Emmeline was saying.

Attempting to catch my attention, she playfully hit me with the hanger in her hand. "Don't avoid my question, Luna."

"To be honest, I genuinely didn't hear it," I said, laughing.

Her smile became more reserved as I braced myself for the question I knew she was probably going to ask.

"Have you talked with Finn at all since the wedding?"

Screw You, SoulmateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang