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I'm sorry i have not updated. i havent actually got this far in Naruto. i'm running this off of what i read so far, so i had to watch all the episodes to catch up. i'll make it up to you though! enjoy please!


I stared at the wings. wings. can you imagine such a thing? i knew i wasn't really a goddess. i understood that my Goddess Knife was another siren thing, used to trick my enemies, but i also understood that if i didn't use this for evil, the house of divines may let me counsil with them. the house of divines, can you imagine? i would meet Jashin, Kami, all the gods you could think of. I decided at that moment, not to use my divinity to do evil things, because honestly, there is no greater gift than being invited to dine with the gods.

"why don't you attack?" Gaara screamed at the currently hidden Sasuke Uchiha. Gaara's voice. it was... magnificent. it was like mine, so many layers. it sounded like a sand storm, like rain hitting the cement, and overall just beautiful. i found myself, if only for a second, forgetting he was beggining to be transformed. i was brought back to reality when Gaara screamed and clutched his head

"why do you always run away?" he said. Shukaku sounded angry, while Gaara sounded sad. suddenly i felt foolish. i had forgotten all our problems back at Suna. the way people treated him... it wasn't right. i loved Suna, do not get me wrong. the sand, the heat, it was very... me. but could i forgive it for its treatment of Gaara and I? Suddenly Gaara roared, in anger, in sadness, in pure rage. so many smells coming of him at once i was breafly sent to my nees in a wave of nausia

"you cant get away! do you hear? SASUKE UCHIHA!" Gaara went on a rampage, he struck down tree's, screamed things at Sasuke, who i could smell was worried for his life. this match was obviously not what he thought it'd be. I stood infront of Temari now, and looked back at her

"Is anythng broken?" i asked. she just shook her head, her eyes frightened as she stared at her little brother. i sighed and spread my wings, crouching infront of her i said simply

"I'll protect you for now, please don't worry. everything will be fine, i promise" she blinked at me as my silvery words comforted her, stroking her hair like a scared child, before evaporating. she nodded and we watched Gaara's anger progress. the fight continued, and eventually Sasuke fell, limp, barely consience to a branch. i knew what was coming next. Sasuke's blood, it's scent came in loud and clear. yes, he had sweet blood, but that isn't the point. Sasuke Uchiha, was going to die, right before my eyes. if that was the case, shouldn't i use my Godess Knife to comfort him in death? i thought to myself. i would, if it came down to it. just as Gaara was about to strike, a orange blur came out of no where and pushed him back. Pinky and a pup crouched beside Sasuke's limp form, while Naruto assesed Gaara's threat, which at this second was very high. Naruto seemed confused for a second, but after a word with his teammates realization flashed across his face

"Guys! we have to leave! now!" He screamed, but it was to late. Gaara lunged at Sasuke, but was once again intercepted by a determined pinkette. he swept her to the side, and pinned her to a tree.

"sasuke.... Naruto...." Pinkette whispered. Naruto stared at her, then at Sasuke with a strange look in his eyes for a second before Gaara said

"these two... who are they? Who are they to you?" Naruto blinked, and then said with foolish, albeit admirable determination

"they are my friends, and if you lay another finger on them I'll pulverise you". Gaara smirked and squeezed Shukaku's arm, that was currently holding Pinkette. she screamed and Naruto growled, lunging at Gaara, with fire in his eyes. Naruto was thrown back and he quickly assesed his options before mumbling

"I have to do this for my friends" his voice was a lot like mine and Gaara's. it was many layered. i squinted at him. was he- no. that couldn't be possible... right? at this point i had forgotten Kabuto, who was slowly approaching, and Temari, who was crouched behind me fearfully. Gaara laughed

"that's your problem! the reason why i will win, why i will be the one to prove my existence, and you will be the one to fail! Forget your friends! fight for yourself!" Naruto frowned

"your crazy... forget my friends?" they exchanged a few more words and Naruto flung himself at Gaara. Kabuto was behind me now. i turned to look at him. there was a lingering excitement in his eyes

"so this... this is why Orochimaru wanted you so badly... i see now" he said. he touched my wings. that was different. they quivered excitedly. they seemed really sensitive. imagine... if Kabuto sent my wings off like this than what would Gaara...? i shivered. not the time Liiran. I frowned at him

"what are you doing here?" he smirked and stepped closer

"you didn't seem so annoyed at my pressence a few minutes ago when you were moaning my name" he said. i frowned slightly

"I wasn't moaning it. and i didn't say it on purpose. it's a Siren thing, something a jerk like you couldn't understand"

"Kabuto... Kabuto..." he moaned in a poor imitation of my voice.

"sounded like moaning to me... perhaps you should say it again... to prove me wrong" he smirked. he was really close now. way to close. it wasn't until i took in a breath to speak that i got a deep wave of it. Lust. his lust. i had never tasted something so intense. i was momentarilly disorientated. I felt Siren taking over me and stared at him for a long second. i then activated Siren. it was shocking, seeing what Siren could do when i was in my Goddess state. a light surrounded me and as i focused my attention on him, my light turned dark. i suddenly seemed bader, darker, deadlier. i smirked. when in this state of Siren + Goddess, my appearence shifted so that the person i planned on Sirenating (LOL) would be more attracted to me.

"you want me to say your name again... Kabuto?" I asked. my lips formed words on there own. my voice took on a dark, meaningful tint, and although i wanted deeply to protect Temari, my Siren Lust was overpowering, leaving me under no control of my actions. His eyes widened momentariy after seing my now darkened appearence, but a small smirk rose to his lips, and his lust amplified tenfold.

"yesss" he hissed. i smirked and stepped foreward

"Kabuto" I whispered.

"again" he growled. my thoughts roared. don't do this! don't-

"Kabuto" I whimpered. he liked that. his arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me foreward. He glared into my eyes.

"Liiran" He said. i felt my lips curl in a smile. i wanted to turn away. someone, please break me out of this spell. He leaned toward, and our lips connected. No! I can't! Gaara

"Gaara" I whispered against Kabuto's lips. Kabuto, he didn't like that. he pulled away

"that's not my name" he sounded hurt. I looked over. Gaara was glaring at us. he was almost fully transformed now. I pulled away and looked at Kabuto

"That was very unprofessional." he smirked

"I'll take that as a victory. see you later Babe" and then he dissapeared. i frowned and stood back infront of Temari. she gave me a look

"who was that guy? wasn't he your opponent from the preliminaries?" she asked. I looked back at her and nodded

"He was. his names Kabuto, and he's got a... fascination... with me" she frowned and i turned back to the fight. prepared for Gaara to pull through... Naruto created a hundred clones and i gasped. he was so powerful. as powerful as me... almost. the chakra came off him in a vortex of red and blue. it was pure, untainted, unatainable power.. he attacked Gaara and he fell to the ground.

"I won't lose to a guy like you!" Gaara screamed. he rose into the air and went through one of the final stages. he was magnificently, terribly beautiful. the face, body and size of a demon, yet i could hear a human heartbeat within him. he sent sand to Naruto, and i waited for the end. suddenly Naruto summoned a huge toad and the two magnificent creatures began to battle. it wasn't long before i saw Gaara's body move to the outside of Shukaku's form. he made a hand sign, and suddenly he was asleep, and Shukaku was in control

"Gaara! Don't!" I screamed, but it was to late, where he was, he couldn't hear me. Naruto made another sumon, and out of a cloud appeared a creature of nightmares

"the nine tailed fox..."

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