I'm A Bigger Fan Than You Are!

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Fluff fluff fluff fluff FLUFF! I don't know why but I keep writing fluff! I think I'm just terrible at angst... or is it because there's angst in the future? MWAHAHAHA!

I'm sorry for making that kiss scene a fake (not really, but I feel compelled to say so) and I hope you enjoy this chapter too!

Anyways, I decided that I've been letting Jin's geekiness hide for long enough, so I'm shoving all of her obsessions at you guys at once. Let's see how this goes!

Haruhi knew something was coming. It had been too calm today. To normal of a week. Something had to happen.

Naturally, nothing else in the world seemed to agree with her. All of her teachers had interesting lessons, and she had understood each and every topic with ease. Her classmates were oddly calm through the day, a few harmless jokes exchanged during lunch but that being about it. Her sister was in a great mood, currently dancing around the club room to the most recent batch of music her American friends had sent her, humming along as she pushed the first teapots around to each table, spinning around before placing one down in front of Haruhi.

Spotting the less-than-thrilled look on her sister, Jin paused the MP3 in her pocket, "Haru? Are you okay?"

"Yeah." The shorter brunette settled deeper into her seat, "I'm just being pessimistic."

"Oh really? How so?"

She shrugged, "I'm guess I've gotten so used to things being crazy around here I'm not prepared for... calm."

"What is it with you jinxing these things?" Jin laughed and ruffled Haruhi's hair, "If it's bugging you that much, then maybe you could create a problem around here? I do think it's your turn."

"Don't even joke about that, Nēchan." She shrugged and planted a quick kiss to Haruhi's forehead, walking off and pressing the 'Play' button again. As her sister moved away, Haruhi watched her go.

I could create a problem, easily, if I told you about my entire dream.

It was true, Haruhi had told her sister about her weird Wonderland-esque dream. Mostly because of how her mother was in it and there were just some things that needed to be discussed between siblings. But she had left out a few things... like the many kisses Jin and Kyoya had shared, not to mention their apparent marital status. As far as Jin knew, Kyoya had remained as a caterpillar the whole time in the dream, and Jin herself hadn't shown up until the court scene.

Haruhi still wasn't quite sure what to make of it all. She had gotten the symbolism just fine on her own; Nēchan made Kyoya-senpai more human, and the two balanced each other very well, both complete opposites as well as equals. Still, pairing your sister with her classmate in your dreams? That was just... creepy.

What made it almost worse was that not even a day before she'd had the dream Haruhi had been having what seemed like the 50th conversation with her own classmates about how 'Nēchan and Kyoya-senpai are just friends, why are we even still talking about this?'

Only now she was having second thoughts and this whole thing was now a big mess.

However, the biggest problem in all of this was that Haruhi couldn't even talk to her sister about it. Can you imagine? Her number one confident with everything, no matter what, was unavailable regarding her impending existential crisis. All Haruhi could do for the past 24 hours was watch her sister, watch Kyoya, watch their reactions when they were together, and wonder.

It was a miracle she hadn't started screaming in the middle of lunch when she realized that Jin and Kyoya apparently didn't seem to care which lunch they were sticking their chopsticks in as they went over the club's financials. Kyoya even swatted Jin's utensils away with his own in order to grab her last mackerel slice, losing his final bite of strawberries as a result. Haruhi had looked up and down the table to see if anyone else was seeing this most blatant act of flirting, but she appeared to be the only one.

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