The Refreshing Battle in Karuizawa!

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"Thank you! Have a nice day!" Haruhi smiled and waved as a mother and daughter walked out of Pension Misuzu. Turning back to the table she was wiping down, she rubbed at a particularly stubborn syrup spill, "Who'd have thought working at a Bed and Breakfast would be the ideal way to spend summer vacation, Nēchan?"

Jin smirked from her own table, "Dad, apparently." The bell hanging above the door rang again, prompting both girls to greet the newcomers, three best friends it looked like. Jin moved away from the table she'd just finished clearing off, offering it to the new customers.

"Misuzu-chi will be with you in a moment. Would you like some green tea while you wait?"

The three boys nodded and Jin walked away towards the kitchen. As she passed behind Haruhi, she stopped, "Hey, while I'm getting their tea do you want to hang the sheets out to dry? The washer should be done by now."

"Sounds good, Nēchan."

Jin smiled and slipped behind the bar and into the kitchen, "Misuzu-chi! Guests at table 9! I'm grabbing their tea now!"

Their tall employer and pseudo-uncle suddenly appeared out from around a corner, "Perfect! I swear, Jin, you run Pension Misuzu better than I do!"

"Oh, I highly doubt that!"

"Aww! You're too sweet, dear! How is everything else out there?"

"Just fine! Haru's hanging sheets out back right now, and the other three occupants are still eating. But I think we should be prepared to switch to our lunch menu for this group."

"That sounds just fine, dear. You can do that once you finish serving the tea." Jin nodded and grabbed a spare serving tray, quickly piling three clean teacups and saucers and a fresh pot of tea onto it. "Oh... I do wish you would wear the bandana like your sister... you'd look so cute it in! And I can't believe you two won't wear skirts with your aprons. But I do suppose your skinny jeans accentuate your butt anyways, Jin."

"H-hey!" The two laughed at the banter. Misuzu-chi had always pretended to fuss about Jin and Haruhi's 'lack of femininity', but since the two of them always looked good in whatever they wore he never put any heat behind the words.

Jin paused mid-laugh, ears catching a strange sound that seemed to be coming closer.

"Do you hear that?"

Her employer stopped laughing as well, hearing the sound as it continued to grow. Frowning, Jin walked back out into the café area. The other occupants were looking around in curiosity. Setting the items on the tray down in front of the boys, Jin walked over to the back door and peered outside.

Just then a very loud voice over an intercom system blares out. The words are a little garbled, not to mention it was hard to hear anything over the sound of the helicopter blades, but judging by the look on Haru's face as she stared up into the sky, there was little argument over who was screaming.

Besides, that voice was unmistakable.

Not even two minutes later the noise was gone and Haruhi was walking back into Pension Misuzu with the entire host club trailing behind her. Jin was waiting for them, her arms crossed but her lips curled in an amused smirk.

"Jin-chan!" Honey runs up to her and delivers a big hug around the middle, "We were so worried about you! Tama-chan said you and Haru-chan became indentured servants because your family went bankrupt!"

Amusement gone, Jin stares at the small boy before she looks at her sister, unimpressed, "You told me you'd tell the boys where we were going for summer vacation so they wouldn't flip out."

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