Keep your Family Close

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Okay, quite a few people have asked for me to continue this AU, so here it is! I'll be honest, I started working on this as soon as I finished the last one, so it's nice to finally have it completed. But, uh... I've been trying my hand at angst so... fair warning?

WARNINGS: Sex, mentions of sexual assault, fighting, abduction, graphic discription of a miscarriage, pregnancy, birth, kidnapping, mention of Stockholm Syndrome, blood, major character death, minor character death, police brutality

The term "excited" was not one Jin used often. After all, most of her work involved morally questionable actions that would've indicated something not quite right in her brain should she find them exhilarating. But there were times when the emotion was called for, and now was one of those times. Jin's nerves were firing, sending sparks of energy down to her fingertips as she struggled to stay still. There wasn't anyone else in the lobby at the moment, but she needed to keep up appearances should that fact change.

She wasn't doing so well with that. Rocking back and forth from her heels to her toes, she stood in front of the large, ornately designed double doors that lead out into the street. Hands tucked behind her back, Jin stared intently at the dark wood. Watching... waiting... listening...

Tap, tap, ta-

Before the person even finished knocking, Jin leapt forward and yanked the doors open. The two people on the other side jumped in surprise before huge grins filled their faces.

"Haru! Dad!"


"Oh, my baby!"

Jin pulled her family into a tight hug, letting herself enjoy the feeling for a moment. It was the first time she'd seen her father in over a year, and she wasn't going to waste it, despite the fact that he and Haru were moving into the Suoh House today.

But unfortunately, they couldn't very well stand in the doorway hugging for the rest of the day. Gently easing herself out of their iron grips, Jin gave her father and sister another huge smile. Grabbing one of their suitcases, she took a step back and gestured into the foyer.

"After you."

Haruhi nodded and entered without hesitation, the girl's father taking an extra moment to survey the room before stepping inside. Jin frowned as she closes the door, noticing now how her father and sister only had three medium-sized suitcases and one backpack between them. Not to mention that most of their bigger furniture items had been left behind, replacements of much higher value awaiting them in their bedrooms. Sometimes Jin forgot that even with all the extra money she had sent to her family for the past three years, most of it had gone to Haruhi's education. It was going to be a massive shift for them to go from barely scraping by to having every little thing handed to them on a silver platter. It was exactly the life Jin wanted her family to have... she could only hope they'd adjust to it in time.

Banishing those thoughts for another time, Jin fixed a smile onto her face before guiding her family up the stairs. She helpfully pointed out the elevator's location as well as what rooms were located on which floor, telling her sister and father that they were allowed anywhere except inside other member's living quarters and training facilities, unless given permission.

They arrived at Ranka's new bedroom first, as he was located a floor below where his daughters would be staying. Jin watched nervously as she handed her father the key. He had been mostly silent during the whole tour, giving everything they passed a critical eye. She knew that his judgement, no matter how negative, would be given a pass from the other mafia members since he was so new to the family. Not to mention he was also officially one of the oldest members and Jin's immediate family, therefore giving him a lot of respect. But that didn't mean his disapproval wouldn't backfire hard on the moral that had built up after the Spring Massacre.

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