-Chapter 3-

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Gabbie POV
I just picked Liza from the airport and she was upset. She had this attitude, I think she was sad about leaving her home town. I should just give her some space so she can collect herself. I'll call her tomorrow.
Liza POV
I just yelled at gabbie and slammed her car door. I am legit the worst friend ever maybe I should just get some rest and call her tomorrow. Today I have to get unpacked. I open the door to my apartment and then it went black.
--Time Lapse to tomorrow--
Gabbie POV
It is currently 5:59 pm. I think it's time I call Liza. I dial her number in and it went to voicemail, I did it a few more times and it went to voicemail. I was getting a little worried, I'm going to go check on her. I pull up to her apartment. I knocked on her door no response, I knocked a few more times and each time more aggressively. I was really scared so I busted the door open only to see Liza on the floor. I called 911 and Liza was rushed to the hospital.
Liza POV
I wake up only to see bright lights and tubes connected to my body. Gabbie must've heard me waking up because she ran to me.
Gabbie:OMG Liza, your alive
Liza: why wouldn't I be and where am I?!?
*the door opens*
Dr.Phil: hello I am Dr.phil, how are you feeling Liza?
Liza: I am feeling ok, but where am I
Dr.Phil: you are in the hospital
Liza: why, what happened
Dr.Phil: you were shot in the back of your neck, but luckily you didn't suffer from any internal damage.
Liza: ok
Dr.Phil: you are to be released tomorrow.
Liza: ok
Gabbie: and I will come to pick you up tomorrow morning to take you to my house because it's not safe for you to go back to your house.
Liza: thanks gabbie
*Dr. Phil walks out of the room*
Gabbie: Liza you should get some rest I'm going home I will pick you up tomorrow at 8:00 a.m.
Liza: ok gabs thanks for all your help I appreciate it
Gabbie: your welcome
*gabbie walks out the room*
I fall to sleep thinking about what I am going to do for gabs tomorrow.
Authors note
Did you like that chapter?? Yes or no, YES if you did like this chapter, don't worry there will be more stuff coming up but the next chapter you might feel bad for Liza so if you care about Liza's protection and is very sensitive about her then don't read the next chapter.☺️☺️
Sincerely your author, crazy1fangirl

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