-Chapter 16-

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Liza POV

Its been a few weeks since my suicide attempt and all I can say is my life is way better then what it was before. I've been discharged from the hospital and have been going to my therapy sessions and they've really been helping me... but there's still a part of me that doesn't feel complete. I've been spending more time with Gabbie and I honestly forgive her about the whole situation and I want to leave the past in the past but I haven't contacted David ever since and neither has he. I'm going to go see Gabbie later today so we can just chill. I get ready to go...

David POV

I've been in the worst state I've ever been in my entire life. I lost the one person who could bring happiness into my life like no other. I've been hanging out with Gabbie lately mainly because she gave me more insight on Liza and how she's doing. Shes obviously better without me, I just brought stress and problems into her life. I don't think she'd ever forgive me about the situations that occurred which is honestly why I just give up. She deserves better. I'm hanging out with Gabbie later too take some time off my hand and get some bits for the vlog...


Heyooo im updating later today for the rest of the tea YEE YEE

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