-Chapter 21-

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Liza POV

Its been about three months since the situation at the hospital happened. I haven't contacted anyone in the friend group, but by the looks of it in social media, they're not in the best place right now.. especially David. You could say I got over the incident. I made new friends with a social media group called "team 10". They're not as close as they make it seem on camera but thats ok. I have a new best friend named Alissa Violet and I guess she's cool, I also have a new boyfriend named Jake Paul. He makes me really happy... thats what I keep telling myself.

David POV

I'm drowning in my own existence and the only way to end that is her. Liza has not talked to me no matter how many times I've reached out to her. I really did it .. I deserve this. I really am no good for her, all I want is to see her happy but all I did was cause the opposite. The worst part is that it never happened only once, it was constant. Now that I know I REALLY lost her, im worst then I've ever been before. She made new friends and I'm honestly kind of upset because she just left us... but who could blame her? She has a new boyfriend named Jake and he better be treating her right but judging by the way she looks at him.. she wasn't happy. If Liza could move on then so could I, I'm tired of being down all the time with the constant reminder of her.

I'm laying down on my bed thinking about life until I hear the dreadful voice


David: Gabbie what the hell-

Gabbie: no David, we're going out today, and nothing you say or do will change it! now get dressed you look a mess

As soon as she walked out of the room I grabbed my pillow and started to scream as loud as I can into it. After that, I slowly got out of the bed and did as she said. I'm actually kind of looking forward to this day. 

~ Time Lapse to end of day ~

Turns out this day made me feel much worse since I wasn't able to experience new things with Liza. Gabbie just dropped me off home and went on with her night. I went to sleep thinking about Liza, which I do all day and it's making me crazy. I need to see her, I need to talk to her, I need some closure.

A/n fRoM tHe FuTurE

yeAaAhhHh sorry for being MIA but im most likely updating tomorrow tho teehee

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