-Chapter 4-

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--tomorrow morning--
Liza POV
Today is the day I leave the hospital and make up to gabs for yelling at her also almost breaking her car door. I'm really excited. I call gabbie so she can come to pick me up. After I was done getting ready gabbie texted me that she was down in the lobby.
Gabbie POV
Today I'm going to invite Liza to this frat party, my boyfriend, Zane is throwing tonight. I text Liza to come downstairs.
Liza POV
As I was walking into a hospital elevator I see a man. He looks pretty sketchy but I just ignore. I press the button to go down the elevator, but suddenly the man presses all the buttons. That startled me, so I moved over. Every time I move over he would get closer to me. Until one point he got so close that he trapped me in the corner of the elevator. He tries to touch my butt I scream, he then got a knife out and slashed me on my arm and started to touch me and kiss me very inappropriately. Finally, the elevator door opened to the lobby, I ran for dear life to the lobby but he caught me. He tries to kiss me but I kicked him in the balls and escaped from his tight grip. I ran to gabbie and started to cry. The man was chasing after me but when he tried to get me the security ran up. Turns out that he'd been wanted in 16 states for charges of sexual abuse and harassment.
Gabbie POV
I'm in the lobby only to see Liza running like crazy. I see a man chasing her but luckily the security catches him. Liza was crying.
Gabbie:OMG Liza are you OK !?!? Who was that man??
Liza:gabbie I don't know he was on the elevator sexually touching me and harassing me!!
Gabbie: don't worry sis it will be ok I'm here
Liza: gabs you are the best
Gabbie: I know thx and when I take you to my house I have to ask you something
Liza: ok
--time lapse to gabbie house--
Liza POV
Gabbie: so tonight my boyfriend Zane is throwing a party with all the famous viners at his place do you want to come?
Liza: sure, that would be a great way to get things off my mind
Gabbie: Great!! What are you going to wear?
Liza: I don't know lets go to forever 21
Gabbie: ok, Liza what is that on your arm?!?!!
Liza: The man on the elevator gave me a cut on my arm but I can just clean it then put a bandaid over it.
Gabbie: ok, whatever you say Liza
I am going to apologize to gabbie while we are in forever 21 because she loves that store more than I do.
Author note.
Do you guys like stuff like that? If so how often in a book ??
Sincerely your author , crazy1fangirl

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