Chapter I 》To New Beginnings

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*◎●◎* ~ time skip


"Hi! my name is Peter Walker, but obviously in a professional relationship it's Mr walker."

I nod, firmly shaking the mans hand and taking a seat in front of him.

"So I have your name and personal details written down here which are all filed perfectly correctly, anyway let's get straight to the point, you are here to teach English am I correct?"

"Yes sir"

"Excellent, if you had to substitute any lessons on an emergency which lesson could you do?"

"Music, I can also teach piano to any students"

"Really? I'm glad that you are a man with more than one skill"

"Thank you sir"

"Tell me about yourself, what do you enjoy, this is an interview sell yourself to me!"

He laughs and clasps his hands together.

"Well a hobby of mine is the piano it is what I enjoy most other than English, I would say I'm a relaxed but firm person and I believe that just talking to the students will not make them learn however involving them will."

"You seem like a great teacher, welcome back to Titan high...

Mr Ackerman...."

??? Pov~

"Hey babes, you ready?"

"Ready as I could ever be"

I say placing the intricate white and gold Venetian mask on my face which was adorned with Gems and music notes (picture up top).

The instruments were set up on stage, piano, violin and saxophone.

Eld, my boyfriend, gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before the backstage crew fit a microphone to me.

I straighten up my beautiful white concert dress and take a deep breath.

"Your on in... Three... Two... one... Go"

I walk on stage smiling and waving I enter centre stage and take a low bow.

"Hello! Hello to those who are new and also hello to those who have seen me before. For those who I'm am new to I am Mozarts apprentice and today I will be playing the violin, saxaphone and piano for you"

the audience applauds and I take another bow. I take a seat at the large black grand piano and I do what I do best. I play.


"That was great, per usual Hun"

"Thanks Eld"

I give him a hug and inhale a rather large scent of a musky cologne.

"Did you get a new Bvlgari cologne?"

I say raising an eyebrow.

"Hmmm~ maybe I did"

he smiles down at me still hugging me.

"I like it"

he chuckles and takes my hand leading me back stage to my makeshift dressing room.

I unlock the drawer beneath my mirror and grab some small boxes.

I flip open the lid of the one labelled 'Friday' into my hand.

Chased By Shadows {AU! Levi X reader sequel to 'Teach me'}Where stories live. Discover now