XIV 》three to four months

500 31 10


Levi's POV~

"Isabel! We can't just search someone's bloody house!"

"It's for the greater good; isn't it?" She says. I can't tell if she is being serious or jovial.

"Look, Isabel, if we did that it'd be illegal! Hanji and Farlen would never stand for it!"

"They would've said the exact same as me Levi" I considered it. But everything was telling me this was wrong. Even if we did find the truth would (y/n) ever forgive us? Would she ever talk to us again?

"Isabel, everything is telling me this is wrong."

"Sometimes, You gotta feel wrong to do right..."

This is for (y/n) right? For her own good? She can't hide this from us. She can't expect me to just think this doesn't seem out of place. But still.... breaking into someone's freaking house!

"Look I know this seems wrong, and in someways it is but, at least it puts yours and my mind at rest. If something is wrong we need to be there to support her."

"Ok, I'll do it"

"Right. So here's the plan. when we get back to (y/n)s house Hanji will take (y/n) to the corner shop cause she needs 'women's things'" I look at her with disgust

"Ew, why that?"

"Cause (y/n) will be in such an awkward situation she won't be able to say no to that dipshit! Keep up" It kind of seemed obvious now that she pointed it out.

"They'll go and me, You and Farlen will search the place"

"What if she comes back earlier than expected?"

"we can have Farlen tracking hanji's phone from his own so we can see her movement" I nod. I'm surprised she devised this plan right now.

"You cool with the plan?"


"Good I'll wake Hanji and Farlen, tell them what's happened and the plan" we walked back and spoke to the other two in whispers not disturbing (y/n)s sleep. They agreed.

•___- time skip -___•

(Y/n) had awoke awhile ago now, we were driving home in her Land Rover. As we pulled into the drive and hopped out of the car Hanji released a squeal.

"(Y/n) I forgot to ask! Can you come with me to the shops?"

"Why?~" she whined obviously tired. Hanji leaned towards (y/n)s ear and whispered.

"Oh! O-ok..." (y/n) became rather flushed and Hanji just laughed.

"We're both girls (y/n)!" (Y/n) sighed and rolled her eyes. She threw her house keys at me.

"Don't burn the place down please" I nodded and the two walked off and when out of our sight we looked at each other.


"As I'll ever be..."

•___- time skip -___•

"Have you found anything?!" Isabel hollered from (y/n)s bedroom

"No!" I replied

"No! I'm gonna move on to (y/n)s study!" Farlen declared. I continued to search the cupboards, chests and draws in (y/n)s hallway.

"Guys I think I've got something!" Isabel tumbled down the stairs like a mad hare while I chased behind her, like a greyhound at the racing house. Farlen stood, staring at a blank oak wall.

"Farlen if all you're gonna show us is a fucking wall then I'm gonn-"

"Shush!" He hushed Isabel brashly, looking seriously at the wall.

"Don't you see it?" I squinted my eyes tightly, then I suddenly saw it. A thin, almost ghostly invisible line forming a box. He pushed in the centre of the box and it clicked. A little secret door bounded open, a magnetic mechanism. inside were stacks of papers. Farlen brought them out and dumped them onto the desk, splitting the pile three ways. We each took a section and started to read through.

"It's bills for medical drugs... and strong ones too" morphine, pain killers, demoxicilllin, antibiotiques, you name it and it was written down. My eyes widened at the long list of medicines.

"Guys... you might want to take a look at this..." Isabel squeaked. Her eyes watered slightly and her hands shook. I took the piece of paper and read.

30th of April 2017

Dear (y/n) (m/n) (l/n)

I regret to inform you; that the results from your blood tests show that non-Hodgkin lymphoma has formed in your lymphatic system. This is a slow growing terminal disease. Your next appointment to discuss dates is on the 25th of May 2017.

Dr Stewart

I scrambled through the papers finding the letter from the next appointment. I Soon found it.

25th of may 2017

Summary Report of therapy session

We discussed today in our session what (y/n) wants to do with what is left of her time. Her feedback was very positive. She said she wanted to see her old school friends and perform more concerts. She also wanted to meet more  of her fans, busk with a friend and some other activities. These have not yet been completed. We also discussed how much time was left. I made an estimate of three to four months; five maximum.

Dr Stewart


Chased By Shadows {AU! Levi X reader sequel to 'Teach me'}Where stories live. Discover now