X 》It's... for you...

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Your POV *wow* ~

I sat at home waiting patiently for Eld to return. While waiting I decided to return to my faithful violin. Making my mind up I decided to play Tchaikovsky's violin concerto, a rather famous piece but a favourite of mine. While playing I thought about Eld, how he was avoiding me, how he would act differently around me.

Should I approach him? Or should I leave it? But before I had a chance to make up my mind I heard the opening and closing of the front door. Stopping midway, I put the violin down and rushed towards Eld.

"Hey honey, how was work?"

"Fine" he grumbles. I sigh in defeat and make a decision

"If it's not much of a problem, Eld, could I speak to you; please?"

"What is it (y/n)." He says, sighing pinching the bridge of his nose. His hand was on the bottom of the banister handle, on the stairs. He hadn't turned around to face me.

"I-I've just noticed you've been very distant with me lately... and you seem to not want to be around me.... I can understand if-"

"Look (y/n)" he turns around and places both hands on my shoulders gripping them tightly. A little too tightly.

"I'm just busy with work, you don't need to worry. Im fine but I just need some space at the moment"

"Well I'm always here to help el-"

"(Y/n) I don't need your pity!" He says loudly. Tears threaten to prick my eyes but I hold them back.

"*sigh* now I'm the bad guy" he shakes his head and goes back upstairs to our bedroom rather occupied by his phone. My head hangs low and i walk into the kitchen placing my head on the cold marble counter.

I grasp my phone from In front of me and dial Ed Sheeran's phone number. He was the person I would always turn to for advice, comfort and reassurance. He was level-headed, sensible, mature yet could always make me laugh. I didn't fancy him of course he was more like, a brother of sorts.

"Hey (y/n), what's up?"

"Hey... I was wondering if I could pop over; for a chat?"

"Of course! You're always welcome in my home"

"Thanks Ed, I'll be round in ten" I hang up and grab a slip of paper writing on it

'To Eld,

I've popped over to Ed's house for a chat, I won't be back for a while

Love (y/n) xx'

Taking a quick glance at my watch I see it's just approaching six o'clock. Throwing a baggy super dry coat over me I stepped out the door quietly shutting the door behind me. The sky was grey and silver droplets slowly emptied from the sky, causing me to throw my hood from my coat over my coat. I took the dangling silver keys out of my pocket and pressed the button, simultaneously making a clicking noise. Opening the black Land Rover door I hop inside revving the engine and speeding off.

I didn't know whether I was angry, sad or confused. I was a mess of emotions ready to explode. I try talking to him and he just snaps at me! All I try to do is support him, if anything I'm the one who needs support.

I calm myself down driving through the main roads of London to get to Ed's house. shining street lamps reflected onto my smooth face. Tourists and families walking down the streets peering into expensive shop windows. Driving down oxford street, a mixture of gold and silver lights dangled from roof to roof to roof. Clear water droplets streaking across my window, quickly becoming heavier. My wind screen wipers gradually increasing their tempo.

Chased By Shadows {AU! Levi X reader sequel to 'Teach me'}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz