Chapter IV 》referring to the past

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(All images Of clothing are up top)

"What!?" The three of them exclaim I just stand there with a shocked expression.

"Hi darling, are these the backstage passes people?" He asks

"Yeah, but they are also old school friends. We went to Titan high together"

"That's lovely, you should invite them to our party tonight!" I'm taken aback slightly, and so is everyone else, by the generosity of this 'Eld' maybe I'm just over reacting, who am I kidding?! Of course she would've moved on! I think

"Yeah that'd be great! You guys don't have to come if you don't wanna-"

"We'd love too!" Isabel says rather excited.

"Great! I've invited some of my friends; You'll know who they are-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt darling but I've got to go, Spielberg wants a meeting with me and the co-stars about that new film we are doing, I'll invite them to the party as well."

"That's fine, good luck and say hi to Jennifer for me" Eld gives her a quick kiss on the lips making me want to vomit and chucks her his car keys,

"You ok with driving?" She nods and he smiles; walking away.

"What job does Eld have?" Farlen asks

"Oh he's an actor, he's currently working on a film directed by Spielberg, it's called burnt out cigarettes, his co-stars are people like Johnny Depp, Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Watson, they'll probably join us tonight; they always do"

"You've grown up so much (y/n) ..." Hanji says stunned, Farlen elbows her and hisses.

"Ha ha, I guess so; I remember shingashina town, it's close to (c/c) isn't it? I'll write down my address for you and meet me at my place at around eightish I've bought a place on the edge of shingashina cause I'll be staying here for a few months" she writes her address on the back of a bit of manuscript paper and hands it to me.

"It'll be a casual thing and you can bring your own drinks if you wanna," we nod as I cram the paper into my pocket.

"I'll see you later; ok? I need to go clear my instruments away and practice so I'll see you at my place,"

"Ok, bye (y/n)!" We all wave and say goodbye; heading to car. In silence. We sit inside and everyone seems to sigh at the same time.

"She's so... Different; she's so... Monotone" everyone nods, agreeing with Isabel

"She said she had bought a place here cause she was staying in (c/c) for a while; I wonder why?" I say

"Wow; Well that's the first time you've spoken the whole time we've been here" Farlen laughs

"Ha ha very funny but don't tell me you don't agree and didn't you guys notice the empty packet of pills on the counter by the fridge?"

"Heh?! I didn't notice that! Are you sure" Isabel says stunned while getting into the car, Farlen starts it up and we proceed to drive

Chased By Shadows {AU! Levi X reader sequel to 'Teach me'}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora