Chapter VII 》fingers twitching

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Levis PoV~

I had been invited to another one of (y/n)s concerts; reluctantly, I agreed. Only Isabel was coming with me this time; farlen was on a 'date' with Taylor; yeah turns out they are dating now. At least the press got a scoop. And Hanji had work at the laboratory she works at, testing for some kind of miracle drug that can cure any illnesses. She says it's only powerful enough to suppress a common cold at this stage but in a few years time; maybe even cancer. Me and (y/n) met up earlier to walk around London; Isabel would meet us at Wimbledon. We were currently in HMV, (y/n) was wearing blacked out sunglasses to prevent as many people as possible recognising her.

"oh my golly gosh! Levi they have the original vinyl of the first Tracy chapman album I have to get it!" She picked up the cardboard case and ran over to the millions of posters. Their was a girl there; about the age of fifteen looking wistfully at a poster of (y/n) ironically. (Y/n) was the same height as the teenager, she had wavy blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes. She was a bit on the chubby side but even I had to admit she looked pretty damn cute in that outfit of hers. She smiled happily and looked at the number choosing and plucking put the correct scroll of paper,

"Look Levi! She's a fan of me, she looks so cute in that rainbow jumper and jeans! let's surprise her" she walked up behind her, taking of her glasses and said

"What's your favourite song by her?" The girl turned around and practically screamed before (y/n) had the chance to shush her with a finger to the mouth.

"Shush! I've just managed to get around London without being caught!" (Y/n) giggled, the girl stood in awe that her hero was standing before her, she calmed down and spoke;

"I-its I'll b-be awai-awaiting"

"Good choice," (y/n) noticed the girls eyes occasionally flicking towards me.

"That's Levi; ignore him he's a bit of a grumpy bastard" she half heartedly whispered. The girls both giggled while I rolled my eyes.

"So what's your name hunny bun?"

"Beth, Beth Holbrook; 15 years of age" the girl out stretched her hand for a shake only to be engulfed in a hug.

"So... you play any instruments?!" (Y/n) whispers excitedly.

"Hell yeah! I play piano, i sing, guitar, ukulele, oboe, violin and melodica!"

"Looks like we have a future musician Levi!" She cheers, I nod my head.

"I played similar instruments as you but i didn't play the oboe, the oboe has always been one of my favourite instruments. " (y/n) sighs and looks at the girl wistfully.

"Wow, you are such a talented girl, I know, how about I get that poster for you? As a token of my respect"

"I'm not sure it's quite expensive..."

"Phft... it's no problem, I would feel honoured buying for you" the girl flushed red

"Only if you're sure..."

"Sure I'm sure! Come on! I wanna have a look at what CDs of mine they have on sale here." They ran over to the CD section pointing out the different albums she had released.

Chased By Shadows {AU! Levi X reader sequel to 'Teach me'}Where stories live. Discover now