Chapter VIII 》Mikasa

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Levi's pov~

Isabel tightly gripped my arm; her eyes watering.

"L-Levi...." before I can stop my self I dart onto the stage and push my way through the dancers who crowded around her. I kneel down beside her and check pulse. It was faint, but beating.

"She's ok..." I sigh with relief. The dancers part and I scoop (y/n) into my arms. Cameras flashed and people still screamed. I ran back stage and Isabel called 999.


"Now what in tha' darn tarnation is goon' on he- (y/n)! Ma sweetness! L-Levi what happened!?" I placed her on a sofa.

"She passed out on stage; can you grab a wet flannel?" Steph nodded and rinsed a cold flannel, I placed it on (y/n)s forehead. Steph tightly grasped (y/n)s pale hand while I stroked her soft (h/c) hair.

"Come on (y/n).... what are you lying to me..."

Time skip~

We had arrived at the hospital a few hours ago; (y/n) was soundly sleeping and Eld had just run through the doors.

"Is she ok?!"

"She's fine; she just passed out" he sighs with relief and sends me a heart warming smile. I momentarily check the news to be hit with articles upon articles of (y/n). 'The (y/n) (l/n) passes out on stage!'. 'Mystery man carries (y/n) back stage after passing out!' They didn't even care about her they just wanted an article to make money. Some even dared say (y/n) was cheating on Eld with me. Fucking press. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose angrily tossing my phone on the table top.

"Thank you... thank you so much, I know the press can be bastards sometimes and I have seen what they've said I know it's not true, you're a good guy Levi; I trust you. (Y/n) really appreciates your company and I'm not gonna stop her from seeing you; I'm not that kind of  person. I'm happy she sees you cause shes always happy with you and as long as she's happy... I'm happy" he pats my shoulder sympathetically.

"Hm; thank you, (y/n) has changed a lot since our youth; she's  more subdued

"Ha; if she's subdued now I don't want to know what she was like then!" He scoffs.

"Yeah; there was never a dull moment with (y/n)" I chuckled, he continued to smile and planted a kiss in (y/n)s forehead. 

"How's she doing?" Isabel walks in and takes a seat beside me.

"Well she hasn't got worse; that's all that matters"

"Good; I called Hanji and Farlen, they'll be here later on to visit her, Taylor will come with Farlen as well"  I nod and divert my gaze back to (y/n). Suddenly her hand clenched around my finger just like a babies.

"(Y/n)?!..." the other two took notice of this action and eagerly awaited to see if she would awaken. Her body started to move; her head shifting from side.

"Hmm~ is it time for rehearsals Eld?~" she stretched and rubbed her weary eyes.

"Since when did we redecorate?!"she said sleepily; Eld chuckled slightly and stroked the perplexed girl's hair.

"I'm sorry to say (y/n) but you're in hospital, you passed out on stage; Levi and Isabel are here as well" she turned her heads towards us and smiled.

"Looks like I worked too hard, huh?"

Time skip~

Hanji and Farlen arrived a short while ago; it was now the mid-day hours, we'd (me, Isabel and Eld) had been here most of the night and day.


"Sorry guys; I need to take this, it's Spielberg" Eld covered his over the phone and walked outside.

Third person~

Eld walked outside and his face loosened to a serious tone.

"What do you want?! I told you not to call during the day"

"I want this to stop! I can't take it anymore!" The girl cried at the end of the line; Eld sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"How many times do I have to tell you this?! If you stop sending them I'll give them to the press; see what they say about it."

"You can't keep this up for much longer Eld..."

"Oh really? I have you wrapped round my little finger"

"I just want to live my life peacefully Eld; without guilt, look if you stop now I won't tell or say anything"

"Hm a tempting offer but I can't trust you; I know how ferocious that brother of yours can be sometimes... and we all know how we would fall to our knees for family"

"I promise I won't tell him! Just... please... W-what about (y/n)?! I was an old school friend of hers, please she loves you so much! Even I know that and I haven't seen her for ten years! "

"Tut tut... look what you've become.... well (y/n) can see you all over the front cover news paper. (y/n) told me about you in your youth; how brave, strong, clever, mature, responsible, pret-"

"STOP!! Ok... ok... I'll send them... when do you want them by..."

"Tonight; I assume you still have your petty little job as a receptionist at the recording studios?"


"Then I'll see you tomorrow....




Chased By Shadows {AU! Levi X reader sequel to 'Teach me'}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt