XVII》Ignorance is bliss.

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Your POV~

I packed my black and white gingham London fog suitcase, ready for the tour bus. Ed was currently sat on my bed eating a pizza.

"maybe we'll bump into each other in Dubai! We're both meant to be there at the same time" he mumbled through a mouthful of pizza.

"Well we will both be very busy so it might be only for a short while" he acknowledged my words.

"Where are you looking forward to going the most? Gimme your top three!" I carefully thought as I shoved in a black swimsuit with some Aztec pattern.

"New York, Japan: I'm hyped for the sushi, it tastes so much better out there rather than from a container in Tescos and California so I can see dad again"

"What about your mum?"

"She passed away a few years ago now.... dad has been struggling since, he's been suffering with dementia for a while now since mum died, I feel bad for leaving him..." I glanced down with gloom at my jam packed suitcase, it put me in a bad, gloomy mood.

"Hey hey hey, it's not your fault ok! Things like this happen all the time, my grandfather had alhzeimers, my song afire love was about him, don't worry he'll be delighted to see you" He gave a me a reassuring hug.

"Thanks Ed..." I mumble, smiling into his chest.

"Any time hunny" Ed helps me finish packing, he decides which swimming costume I should take, we decide on a black one with some aztec design ribbon around the leg holes and the back. I push down on the case with the very little strength I have and zip it up.

"Phew! All done!" I wipe the back of my wrist against my forehead.

"Remember to take it easy, your illness will take a lot of your energy"

"Yeah, I've made sure to cut down on the amount of concerts per city on this world tour, unlike you! You were only meant to do two in Wembley and added another 3 dates!" I laugh, however there was still a lingering thought of guilt in the back of my mind, I felt pretty shit.

"Hey! Its not my fault I'm soooo popular!" He does an imaginary hair flick making me roll my eyes yet chuckle at his child like behaviour.

"Lets get you to the tour bus..."

"Um I'm just going for a walk, ya know, my usual place" he Oh's and nods acknowledging my point.

"Ill take your bags and instruments, shall I let levi know where you are?"

"Yeah just briefly mention it" I throw on my super dry coat pulling the fluffy hood over my head. It was cold, December weather kicking in. I took a stroll to the tube, hopping on board the central line and heading towards epping, I plugged myself into some music taking in the surroundings. As soon as we got to the end of the line I got off placing a pair of sunglasses on to help prevent people from recognising me. Finally I got a bus, buying a ticket for (hometown/village/town name). Before I new it I had arrived and I was the last person on the bus. I nodded towards the driver before I took my leave. I took a short walk before I reached my finally destination, only to find... it had been shut down. it was the train me and Levi used to get to school when we where young.

The bridge over the tracks was still there, some of the bars had rusted away. I climbed up the stairs, and sat where some of the bars had rusted away, leaving a big enough gap for me to hang my legs over the side and let them swing. I pulled a cigarette out of my pocket, putting it between my coral lips and taking the small pocket lighter from my jeans back pocket. I flicked at the switch trying to shield the small fragile flame from the gusts of wind, at last the end lit some embers falling to my lap leaving scorch marks on my indigo blue jeans, honestly I couldn't care less. I smiled to myself, deeply breathing, letting the intoxicating smoke roll around my mouth and down my throat.

Chased By Shadows {AU! Levi X reader sequel to 'Teach me'}Where stories live. Discover now