IX 》malicious

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Levi's pov~

"So, you'll be able to leave now; just make sure you take it easy and continue to take your medication" wait... continue...?

"Ok will do nurse!" She smiles casually. I must've heard incorrectly... (y/n) grabbed her overnight bag and slung it over her shoulder.

"Hey you ok?" She asked

"Um, y-yeah... yeah, where's Eld?"

"Oh he went home early he said he'd meet me there later he had something to do at work first."

"Oh, ok I'll drop you home" Isabel, Farlen and Hanji left a while ago. She hops into the passenger seat beside me and straps herself in. I drive off towards her house in London.

"So... how are you and Eld doing?" I say trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah; fine I guess you could say, he has been a bit different lately, just kinda keeping his distance from me. I don't know whether it's work cause he's pretty busy with filming his new film or if I've done something to upset him. I don't know whether to approach him or not..." I sadly smile still keeping my eyes on the road in front of me.

"You want some advice?" She nods.

"Ask him; what's the worst that can happen? If you just say to him 'hey I've noticed you've been a bit distant lately have I done something wrong?' I'm sure he'll respect you for that." She hums thoughtfully in response.

"Anyway here's your stop, I'll see you later, remember to take it easy"

"Yeah, bye levi and thank you for the advice!" She jumps out of the car and walks into her house. I watch her disappear before I drive away. I think about what she said, I've tried to ignore it but I have always had an off feeling about him, instincts or something. I pulled up outside my house and sat in the car; unmoving. I took my phone out my back pocket and scrolled through my contacts until I met with Elds. He gave me his number just in case. I dialled it and waited for his voice.

"Hello~ actor; Eld Jinn speaking~"

"Hi Eld its Levi."

"Levi! Hey! What's up?"

"Not much I just wanted to let you know I dropped (y/n) home."

"Thanks Levi I rea-" suddenly I heard a loud shout down the telephone; I seemed to almost recognise the voice.

"Levi don't trust hi-"

"Sorry, my secretary is in a bit of a hysterical mood today, non-stop pranks, wait a sec" Eld obviously covers the microphone installed into his phone with his hand; however I can hear muffled shouts from the end of the line. Now I really don't trust him.

"Sorry about that; women eh?" He lets out a malicious sounding laugh.

"Hm yes; anyway, I never found out where abouts you work; you know; just in case I need to drop (y/n) off to you sometimes" he seemed hesitant at first.

"I work next to the BBC studios, it's called Spielberg film studios."

"Alright, thanks, I'll see you later then?"

"Yup, see ya" I hung up the phone and restarted the car. He'd be suspicious now, so he'll leave work. Something is obviously wrong... of course being the idiot I am I go over to his work studios in London. It was a good half hour drive leaving plenty of time for him to leave. I arrived and made sure I couldn't see him in the reception. I cautiously stepped out of my car and walked towards the reception. The automatic glass doors slid open and I walked to the front desk. I black head of hair was bent over snivelling slightly.

"Um... hello?..." the female quickly wiped her nose and eyes.

"Oh! S-sorry!... how can I he-.... L-Levi?!....." suddenly everything became apparent. The black mess of hair, the dark eyes and the pale skin.


"L-Levi, what are you doing here?! Eld will kill you if he finds you!"

"I made sure he left; why would he kill me?"


"Mikasa... what are you not telling me? where you the person shouting when I rung Eld?..."

"Yes, it was... look, Levi, I can't tell you exactly what's going, oh how I wish I could. But all I can tell you is not to trust Eld. You can't trust him. At all."

"Mikasa wha-"

"Levi, I can't tell you, you know how much I wanna." I sigh heavily knowing Mikasa was probably in some deep stuff right now, I run my hand through my black hair and look Mikasa dead in the eye.

"Mikasa... whatever you're in, I'm here for you. I don't know whether the situation is this dire but if you call the police now he can't touch you and you'll be safe." She looks into my eyes, desperate, she nods slowly.

"Look here's my number" I start writing it on the back of my business card

"If you need me call me, if you just wanna have a chat then call me. Ok?"

"Thank you... Thank you Levi."

"Remember what I said about the police Mikasa; he can't hurt you then" she nods again.

"Am I ok to leave you? Are you heading home now?"

"Yeah, its fine. I've just gotta lock the place up, and Levi, thank you, again" i nod and for once give her my true smile

"It's no problem"


Sorry this took a while! This was kinda just a filler chapter really xx

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