XII》you are worth everything

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Your POV~

Time went by; Eld came out, Mikasa went in. Mikasa came out, I went in. I gave them all the information I had and knew. I told them how Eld had been distant from me for about a month or two now. How he was always home late from work, it all added up. The police officers had finished inquiring all of us and were coming to a conclusion as of a result. Dawn was rising over the London skyscrapers. A beautiful hue of orange, yellow, reds and purples. I stared dozily out of the window, almost falling asleep due to having to stay up for the entirety of this night.

I wonder what will happen after this? Will my future change? What will I do? The press will be all over this so I won't get any peace over the next month or two. Should I move away? But I can't. I'm trapped. I bury my hands in my mass of (h/c) hair and rest my head into my palms. It was knotted and an absolute mess, it needed a good cut. I felt a hand placed on my back, rubbing smoothly. I peeked through the mess of hair to see Ed kindly smiling at me. I gave a feeble smile back and delved deeper into my thoughts and hands. A few minutes later the police officers walked out of the room. I immediately straightened my back, trying to seem awake. The more superior officier cleared his voice like he had done before meeting us.

"Due to the evidence given, from Mikasa Ackerman, (Y/n) (l/n), Ed Sheeran and a video tape anonymously supplied by someone which came from Spielberg studios we have come to a conclusion. Eld Ginn will serve six years in prison. Serving for sexual assault, harassment, trafficking and grooming crimes. Does anyone else have any valuable information to add to the case?"

The room was quiet. Everyone was too in shock to speak. The officer gave a subtle nod, as if he understood the current situation. The policewoman pulled Eld up by his cuffs. But before leaving the room completely he glanced back at me. His eyes were laced with sorrow and sadness, yet,not a hint of regret.

Time skip~

Ed drove me back home. The car ride back was deadly silent. We pulled into the drive way and before I could, thank him for the drive, he grasped my wrist.

"(Y/n), I know things will be tough for a while but remember; you are surrounded by people who love you. Me, Adele, Rihanna, Shawn, Levi, Isabel, Farlen, Hanji and don't forget your millions of worshiping fans" I chuckled slightly and looked at my hands which lied on my lap.

"We are all, and forever will be, here for you, especially me (y/n). Don't forget that." He hugged me tightly before letting me free. I stood by my front door and gave a meek wave goodbye as I saw him pull away. I carefully walked into my house. A weird sensation overcame me, a feeling that this house; didn't feel like home at all.

I throw my keys on the table and take of my coat. I go to sit the T.V. Room in the dark. Pulling my knees into my chest and hunching over them. I switch on the T.V. And watch the news. The first thing to obviously come on was the case with Eld. Somehow they had found out, probably inside people.

Suddenly knocking sounded at the front door. I ignored it assuming it was, some ass reporter, I didn't move and just waited until they got bored. As predicted the knocking stopped. I turned the T.V sound up yet didn't listen, I just stared into space. My mind was blank, my body felt numb I couldn't ev-


"SHIT!!" My head spun towards the doorway to meet with the familiar grey eyes of Levi. He stomped up to me, snatched the remote out of my hands and switched of the T.V.

"What the hell do you think you are doing watching that crap?!"


"Well?!" I kept quiet looking at the ground, a tear slipped from the corner of my eye. He sighed and sat next to me. I kept sniffling until I burst into loud sobs. Levi pulled me into a hug, which is surprising coming from him, and I sobbed into his black t-shirt. It was lucky I was wearing no make-up really. I can't remember how long I cried for. I just sobbed and sobbed like there was no tomorrow. Levi stroked my (h/c) hair, calming me. After about ten minutes or so I pulled away, wiping my eyes and nose on my top sleeve.

"I saw what happened, on the news." He said I nodded still grasping onto him.

"I was worried so I thought I should pop over, check up on you, the others will be over at noon-ish" i nod

"Have you eaten?" I shake my head lightly, feeling dizzy from crying so much. He grasps my hand and leads me to the kitchen. He sits me down at the marble worktop on top of a tall stall. He puts the kettle on and eagerly starts rushing around the kitchen. Pulling out mugs, plates, food and other items. After about five minutes he places a cup of tea and a plate full of scrambled eggs, beans and sausages in front of me.

I look up at him and he nods at me to start eating. I couldn't refuse I hadn't eaten for over 15 hours. I slowly start eating and Levi perches beside me eating his pile of toast which he had lightly, and neatly, buttered. He also sipped at a cup of steaming tea. My zombie daze state did not fade However. I just stared into space, my eyes wide open, anyone would say I looked possessed.

Levi frantically tried snapping me out of my daze yet failed. He led me up to my bedroom and sat me down on my bed. Bearing in mind I was still in my pyjamas from being with Ed, Levi threw at me some ripped mom jeans and a loose baggy hoodie to throw over a short sleeved pink top he had also thrown at me. I still didn't move though. I just sat still, not even glimpsing and the clothes scattered around me.

"(Y/n)... you need to change, the others will be here soon, I can't change you myself" a part of me woke up and I nodded.

"Good. Get changed and I'll wait down stairs for you" he left my room and I started to dress my self. Pulling the jeans and top onto me then throwing the oversized hoodie over the top. I pulled my hair into a messy bun; to lazy to faff about with it. I lazily stumbled down stairs and sat next to Levi on the sofa. He was watching some pianist I think, it was for some competition. Then I realised isn't Levi's competition meant to be today? Isn't this the competition?

"Levi isn't that you-"

"When I heard last night about you, I didn't care, all I wanted to do was make sure you were ok, that you didn't do anything reckless. I don't give a damn about this lame ass competition (y/n). You're worth more competitions than you and me have done put together. You are worth every single day, hour, minute and second. Don't ever doubt yourself (y/n). Because you are worth everything"


Hey 👋🏼

I still exist!

I think?

I hope you like the picture of me :) I was in Sheringham by Norfolk and this may be the last photo of me lol XD

Well hey if I'm not dead from liver treatment by the time this is posted then I exist

Ma naem is Jeff

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