Chapter 6 not chapter 3 let me change the title stupid wattpad

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Sorry it wont let me change the name this is chapter 6 not 3


Angelica shoved Hercules and i back in to our dorm and dragged her sisters and maria back to the B dorm building. You know what I've been thinking a lot about lately? Hercules is a very attractive person. Sadly i know my very straight friend does not feel the same. Or know that i am not just another straight friend. I have not told anyone yet. They would probably be accepting. I mean eliza is bi and peggy and john are gay. I think maria is bi i don't know but she's defiantly not straight. Wait we have been trying to get john with alex and we don't even know if he is straight or not. Everyone says we should get together. We both always act like that's insane but I whisper it was not.


I wonder what was up with Angelica tonight. She was rougher than usual. You know what i have noticed laf s amazing. It's too bad laf is my very straight friend. I am not straight but no one knows that. Yet.

( GROUP CHAT NO POV do i really need to say that every time u guys get it by now right all 4 of u guys)


baguett; alex what is your sexualitly

Liz; i don't think you can just ask that

angel: but none of us really know

🐢; yeah

no"h"; i still don't think u can just ask

peg leg; yes u can

no"h": no

peg leg: watch me

peg leg; hey herc whats your sexuality

jerkulese; bi

angel; wait what

Jerkulese; thanks peg that made that a whole lot easier

Baguette: i think i'm gay

angel; anyone else been hiding in that closet?

No"h"; i'm bi but i guess u all already guessed that

🐢; no kidding

Liz; alex r u lurking

Peg leg; where is alex

Jerkulese: ^

Baguette; ^

No"h"; ^


Liz: ^


Peg leg: wait john does not know

Liz: this is bad

Jerkulese; everyone meet at lams dorm

🐢; ??

Liz; johns dorm


Moments later everyone crashed through the door. I walked out of the bedroom. And was attacked with questions.

" when did you last see him"

" do you have any idea where he went"

" what was the last thing he said"

" have you called him"

" ok guys calm down he is an adult." I said

" he's also like 5 feet tall and cant keep his mouth shut" herc said

" oh shit he's dead" i say

Just then i got a call. From a number i hand not called in 3 whole years. It was my father. I manage to shush the whole group before i answer.

LETS START AT THE BEGAINING(LAMS)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang