Chapter 1

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Evans pov:

I awoke from the scent of the omega next to me. Chocolate and strawberry. My arms wrapped around him protectively his soft breathing, his rosy cheeks puffed out, and blankets that just fit into his curvy body. Just beautiful.

I smile and placed my hand on his cheek rubbing it with my thumb. 'Such soft skin' I thought, the omegas'eyes slowly opened revealing his bright and beautiful ocean eyes,shining into the morning light. lips curved into a smile and reaches his hand to mine on his cheek.

"Good morning beautiful"
"Morning evy-bear"

He would always call me that and I like it. It's cute and he loves teddy bears, I kiss his forehead, cheek, and nose. He giggles as I kiss his face.

He snuggles more into my chest, I chuckle and roam my hands on his back. He purrs as I pet his hair, he sits up but I pull him back down "Evan I need to make breakfast and do workkkk" He whined. i smile  and kiss his head " how about I make breakfast and you can finish making videos, how does that sound?" Jon smiles and kiss my cheek "I'd like that"

Jon puts on one of my shirts and goes to his computer while I go downstairs to start breakfast.

I finish and walk upstairs to get jonathan. Being the sneaky one I am. I surprised him by wrapping my arms around his neck , he yelps a little and turns his head around "Evan don't do that! It scares me!" I laughed and tell him breakfast is ready "but I'm almost done give me a second". I shake my head.

"Nope not until you eat!"

"But Evan-"

"No buts! it's time for breakfast"

"Okay mother..."

    I carry him to the kitchen i set him down to the table, "you know that I can walk right?" Jon says with his sassy voice I roll my eyes and give him his plate.

After we ate I put the dishes away. While doing that I hear my phone ring I answered "hello?" "Hey Evan how ya doin?" It was Tyler. "I'm fine." " I wanna know if you and Jon wanna play COD it's been awhile" I thought for a second " yeah sure! Who is playing?"

"Lui, marcel, and mini" I walk upstairs to our bedroom "ok I'll talk to you in a few minutes bye"
I look over to jonathon who got out of the bathroom. "Who were you talking to?" He says I could see a tint of jealousy in his eyes and the hint of a serious tone in his voice, "it was Tyler he wanted to know if we wanted To play COD with some friends" he nodded and starts up the Xbox and i call everyone to the game.

After a few hours,started to get boring we ended it and said our goodbyes before logging off. My mate hugs me and snuggles into my chest I look down at him petting hair and I could hear his purring in his throat as I kept caressing his hair, I chuckle and lay down pulling him on my chest. We were both relaxed and stare into each others eyes.

His blue eyes were calming and both of our scents roamed the room everything was just right, I leaned in to kiss him and meet his lips. I swiped my tongue at his bottom lip for entrance which he accepted i explored his mouth and our tongues dancing. We pulled away with a little string of saliva and Jon stares at me full of passion. " I love you jonathon so much" I whisper "I love you too Evan so much" he smiles as our foreheads touching. Our eyes slowly drifting off into dreams.

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