Chapter 12

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Brock's pov:
Last night I slept well, except it was hard for me and Brian to go to sleep with mini's moans.(hehe lol)
But we eventually slept around 10 or so, my eyes opened up revealing the room filled with the sun shines and snoring. The smell of sweet and bitter coming from the alpha surrounded me My face was tucked into Brian's chest and arms wrapped around me, I try to move around but he kept a tight grip. "Brian, let me go" I whined.

Brian groaned out a no, "please?" "Uh-uh I want to hold you just for a little more" i whined playfully and wiggled out of his grip but failed and gave in "fine just a few more minutes"

Later we got up and meet with the others in the dining room. Lui and David were making breakfast while Jon and Evan were sitting on the couch watching tv, "hey how you guys sleep?" Lui asked making the pancakes. "Well besides all of the noise Tyler and Craig made last night from fucking each other's brains out we slept good" Brian answered chuckling

" yeah both of us tried to sleep through the noise but we didn't pass out till ten" David replied with a little complaining tone. "Same here" I said. We talked to each other for a little until mini came in looking a little pale, "hey mini how ya doin?" David asked first putting pancakes on his plate "okay I guess but I threw up this morning earlier" I looked at him confused "are you sick?" I asked "I don't know" he mumbled loudly. I put my hand on his forehead for a temperature, he's not burning up.

"You don't have a fever though, huh" that's weird he's pale and was vomiting earlier. "Maybe you have food poisoning" mini nods in agreement "no way my cooking isn't that bad!" Nogla exclaimed. "Hey I'm gonna sit down with the guys call us when foods ready" mini yelled as he walks out from the kitchen.

Soon breakfast started and everyone was chatting and eating. But then suddenly mini stopped eating, Tyler looks at him concerned "babe you alright?" Craig swallowed and gave us a nervous smile "oh I-I'm okay um...I need to use the bathroom" he quickly got up from his chair and literally ran to the bathroom. We all looked at each other confused, "what's wrong with Craig? Is he sick?" Jonathan asked everyone. "I don't know we thought he had food poisoning"

"I'm gonna go check on him" Tyler said getting up

Mini's pov:

Why is this happening to me? Why am i throwing up? And why here? I finally finished and flushed it down. I sat on the ground sighing putting my hands on my face, "Craig are you okay?" Tyler says outside of the door. My head shot up and I quickly stand "uh yeah Tyler I'm fine" I opened the door to reveal my worried lover I give him a small smile "I'm okay Tyler" I say again in a whisper kissing his lips.

"Well okay lets go back to eating" he said taking my hand. After breakfast I rested on the couch trying to feel a little better after what happened earlier. Tyler had his arm around me and my head on his shoulder, Evan was playing a video game with Brian and nogla while Jon, Lui, and Brock were out to go to the store, we were watching the three men argue with each other and Evan trolling nogla laughing his ass off when he got mad.

A little bit of an hour later, I started to get a random craving for something but I tried to brush it off but then it got bigger so i got up and went to kitchen to fix this craving. I grabbed an apple and hoping it would help, when I finished it was still there I groaned and went back to Tyler, an hour or so later the guys came back with a few bags in hands. "Jesus its colder than yesterday!" Jon exclaimed taking off his jacket and rubbing his arms.

"Could you guys help us put away some stuff?" Brock said "I'll help" I get up and grab some bags. "Oh and mini I think I know why you're throwing up" he rummages in the bag and pulls out a small box, he gives it to me and I look at the front. A pregnancy test?!? No I can't be pregnant! Can I? I look a Brock with a shocked face "moo how can i be pregnant?" "Dude all omegas can get pregnant both male and female" oh yeah I forgot....

After we put away all the groceries, Brock told me to go into the bathroom to take the test and also told me it may take a few minutes or hours. The real question is how does he know all this? I went to the bathroom and locked the door. I did what the instructions said on the box and waited, minutes turned to an hour. Almost two hours pass and I was a nervous wreck my heart was pounding fast and I tried to calm myself down but it didn't work every time I tried to breathe.

But then I heard a small beep I picked up the stick and my world stopped spinning. I felt like I was dreaming, my mind couldn't believe it.

It was positive.

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