Chapter 10

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Jonathon's pov:
After getting up at 4 am in the morning and heading to the airport, I was so fucking tired. I couldn't be awake for more than 2 seconds, I almost passed out while waiting for our flight,finally when the plane came for us I instantly fell asleep.

We were almost back in Los Angeles less than an hour, I yawned and rubbed my eyes from that peaceful sleep. Looking out of the window seeing the beauty of the clouds reflecting from the light of the sun. The owl next to me was sleeping and snoring lightly, minutes later we landed in Los Angeles and headed back to our house.

I flopped on the bed enjoying the comfy mattress. It was better than the other beds at the hotel they weren't as comfortable as ours. I sighed in relief feeling relaxed from being on the plane for hours, soon Evan joined me and cuddled up in our nest of blankets. My heat week is almost over but that doesn't mean my body will stop getting hot and the urge to mate. It was both painful yet pleasuring, I trailed my fingers on Evans buff arm while thinking deep inside my thoughts.

'I wonder what's it like to have a child with him' I thought 'I mean we never talked about that topic, but maybe it'll be nice to have a little family'. It was quiet in the room except the soft breathing from Evan, I slowly closed my eyes and arms around his back holding him like a teddy bear.

Lui, David, mini, and Tyler came by in a big van to pick us up for the trip. I checked everything that I need and go to the van, "sorry if I took a little long i needed to check everything" I said as I get in the car. "That's okay we have time and the mountains are only 2 hours away from here." We then got Brian and Brock, during the trip we had conversations, took naps, and Tyler randomly yelling at us for waking him and mini from their small nap.

"Nogla! I have to pee!"

"You should have gone before we left the house Lui"

"I didn't have to go then!"

"Just wait a little longer love"

We finally got to the snowy mountains and it was cold! It nearly took us forever to get out our luggage from the van trying not to slip on the ice. The cabin was beautiful, it was big enough for 5 rooms. The tables were made of polished wood, the furniture looked cozy and soft, and the guest rooms were a warm fuzzy feeling. The bed was comfortable and the window has a nice view of the white snow trees.

"It's so beautiful..."

"Yeah like you"

Evan wrapped his arms around me, his face buried in my neck. His nose trailed up my neck to my cheek lightly kissing it, I purr lowly in my chest and rubbed our noses together. Suddenly my shaft got hard. I try to whine quietly so Evan wouldn't hear it but he did.
"What's wrong honey?" I looked away blushing red, he turned my head "are you thinking of the naughty?" His hand slid down to my pants and stroked my shaft slowly. I moan softly and nod.

An hour later later we were both panting softly while Evans knot was swelling up and spurted out loads of his seed. I felt so full that I could burst, during our little love session we tried to keep it quiet but I failed to keep it down with my moaning. The blankets were surrounding us with warmth even though we were all hot and sweaty it felt comfortable. Our limbs tangled with each other's, my eyes closed enjoying the soft silence.

Tyler called us for lunch and we got out of bed slowly with tiredness. I stretched out my back and get dressed in Evan's shirt and my pants, "why do you always steal my shirts?" He mumbled putting a shirt on. "Heh they're comfy" I replied waiting for Evan by the door "it does look cute on you though" Evan kisses my neck and takes my hand.

Evans pov:

It was a nice lunch with my friends and my lovely Jonathon. When I look at them it's like having some family dinner, having conversations with each other, eating together, and laughing at random moments. I smile at the scene. Now in my childhood it wasn't like this it would be me, mom, dad, and my brother, we rarely saw family members because either some died or never visited.

I snapped out of my flashbacks and held Jonathon's hand lifting up to my lips kissing it. He blushed a light pink "what was that for?" He ask smiling in question "what? can I not kiss my boyfriend's hand" I replied kissing his hand again. "Aawww you guys are so cute it makes me wanna throw up" nogla says holding Lui, I glare at him playfully.

After lunch, Jonathon wanted to explore the snowy forest where the big lake was. Of course I came along with him."it's beautiful but be careful with the snow it gets deep and hard to move around." Lui warns before we head outside. It was windy, but sunny out.
The forest was beautiful with the sun shining down on the snowy trees and icicles, "it's so beautiful out here, i wish I could stay out forever" I smiled looking up at the tall trees. "Yeah me too, but I don't want to freeze my ass off!" He laughed.

We walked around the area until we found the lake. It was frozen and I had an idea. I grabbed Jonathon's hand and walk to the ice, I stepped on carefully then pulled Jonathon along. He slips a little and gripped my shoulders, "Don't worry I've got you love, I got you" I hold him tightly around the waist and slowly guide our feet on the ice, he was tense till he was used to it. "There you go" I whispered he smile and skate along with my moves, later we danced on the ice.

Our gloved fingers interlock and we kiss passionately, feeling his cold lips against mine. We pulled away with our foreheads together,"I love you so much" I said "I love you so much too"

We walked back to the cabin, the forest was silent except the snow crunching underneath our feet. While on the way I had a strange presence feeling I looked back. Nothing. "Evan what's wrong?" Jon asks "nothing" we continued to move and then I hear something rustling I look back again. The rustling came again on my left. "Evan?" Jon asks worriedly "who's there?!" I yell, no response.

It became silent then once I turned back thinking it was an animal, Jon yells "EVAN WATCH OUT!!" I turned but get attacked on the shoulder and fall onto the ground blacking out.


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