Victory At Table Football!!

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"Oh my god Vick! I can't believe it! Nico just told me!" Laura came rushing over to me sitting at the bar. She wrapped her arms around me into a hug. Jessica stood to the other side of her not really sure what to do. "Yeah, its okay, I'm just glad he was there, or I don't think I'd have gotten out of there" I said, looking down at the double archers Nico had bought for me. "I'm sorry I wasn't there with you" she said, looking at me with teary eyes. "Hey, I'm okay," I smiled at them both, Jessica looking just as distraught. "I would have normally punch him in the face, but Nico got there before I had to" I replied, making the girls laugh. "You know he's been watching you like a hawk" Jessica said with a grin. I looked up at her and they were both grinning, "He's only making sure I'm okay" I said, brushing it off. I sensed the girls looking at each other but I chose to ignore it.

"How we doin ladies?" a voice asked from behind us, I looked round to see Jenson standing there grinning at us. Suddenly my mood lifted a little. "Good," Jessica smiled at her man, "you okay Vick?" he asked me, as I spun round on my stool so I faced him. I smiled and nodded, causing him to give me a wink, thankfully the bar was dark so they didn't see my blushes. "I hear the Hulk came to the rescue" he chuckled, making me laugh, "yeah he did" I smiled back, "but from all accounts you don't need him, she-hulk" he teased, making me laugh and look down a little, "Paul was just telling us about the guy you decked in Monaco" he said, "I'm amazed I never found out about that" he laughed, for a second I had forgotten he lived close by to Laura and Paul. I blushed and nodded at him. "He should keep stories like that to himself" I laughed, "no, I need to know this info, so I can watch my back" he winked at me, making us all laugh.


Another hour had flown by and we had now been joined by the Mercedes team. I was quite surprised to find them all hanging out together during a race week, but I kinda liked that they did.

I had been sitting in a booth with some of the McLaren and Force India mechanics when the McLaren guys decided to call it a night. We said out goodbyes, and I slipped out the booth to say goodbye to Jessie and Jenson, leaving Mike, Geoff, Henry, Gary and Steve to carry on an argument on whether Kimi Raikkonen was gonna smash it in his new Lotus.

"Hey, I haven't managed to introduce myself yet" I heard a voice come from behind me, causing me to turn around. It was Lewis Hamilton. "Oh hi," I smiled at him politely. "I'm Lewis" he smiled, flashing his dazzling white teeth at me. I knew who he was, obviously. "Victoria" I nodded, shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you" he said, reluctantly withdrawing his hand. "Likewise" I smiled. He chuckled at that, "I haven't seen you around the paddock before, you got a lot of tongues wagging tonight" he said, I wasn't sure how to take that. "oh, well, I'm here with Di Resta" I explained, then stepping forward, moving out of the way of some rowdy Italians heading in our direction. Lewis copied me. "Ahh, I see, I wasn't sure if you were working with Force India," he said, "or was with Hulk" he added. I frowned a little, "he seems to be keeping an eye on you" he said. I frowned a little, "oh, well, I had some unwanted attention earlier, he saved me from it" I said after realising why. Lewis grinned, "Making an impression on everyone I see huh" he laughed, making me laugh and blush at his remark. I looked down to my feet briefly. "Hopefully not too much of a bad one" I shrugged looking up at him, seeing him watching me with that classic Lewis smile. "Not at all" he shook his head, "would you like a drink?" he offered me, seeing that I wasn't carrying one. "I'll grab one" I said to him, making him frown, "what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't buy a lady a drink" he said, as we walked to the bar. I started to laugh, but before I had chance to reply, we were interrupted.

"C'mon Lewis, the lady doesn't need to listen to your talk" I looked to my right, seeing Nico Rosberg grinning at us. Instantly I smiled, admittedly, I was a Rosberg fan, far more than a Lewis fan...

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