Making New Friends

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The next morning, we were in the hotel by the pool, spending the day chilling out. “So is Paul out all morning too?” I asked Laura as we lay on our bellies, recouping after last nights festivities. “Yep, interviews and I think a track walk with DC, and then he’s back later this afternoon to chill out with us” she rattled off his itinerary. “Sounds good” I nodded. “What about Nico? Isn’t he free this afternoon?” she asked me, “oh no, he said he’s on the driver’s conference this afternoon.” I told her, feeling her smile burning into the side of my head. “What?” I asked, not moving an inch. “What happened to you two last night? We didn’t see or hear you get back” she grinned smugly. I couldn’t help but smile. She was a tryer…

“We got back and he walked me to my room.” I said, “uh huh” she knew there was more; I had to laugh at her eagerness. “We said goodnight”
“There must be more?!” she looked set to burst. I grinned, “not really,” I shrugged, “we kind of had a moment where we were like just looking at each other, if we were gonna do anything it would have been then, but then JB walked passed, whispering at Nico to just kiss me already”
“Oh my god!” she gasped, “I know right? But it killed it, so I kissed him on the cheek and he left” I shrugged, looking back to her. “Oh damn it Jenson” she sighed angrily. I laughed, “maybe, but I did go on twitter and comment on his pic of us both, and he's started following me.” I laughed, “Aww did he?” she asked, to which I nodded, “he sent me a private message asking that I followed him already, and then he sent another one after he began following me with a bunch of kisses”
“Aww, Vick” she cooed. I laughed at her, “yeah, I didn’t get an actual kiss but that’s good enough”
“For now…” she teased, but I had to giggle at her, “that boy is such a sweetie” for once, I had to agree with her….


Later that afternoon, we had been met by Paul, and we were all layed out sunbathing. The barman had some tunes playing low behind the bar, the drinks were sitting on ice beside us and the sun was beating down on our pale British skin. “I know I’m gonna burn” Laura complained as she sat up, looking for her special sun cream. “You live in Monaco!” I laughed at her, she grinned at me, “it’s the Scot in me, I always burn” she said, “its okay for him” she nodded over to Paul layed there going a disgustingly nice shade of brown. “It’s that bloody Italian in him” she leaned over him whispering to me, thinking he was asleep. “Hey I heard that!” he grumbled, making us giggle. “Did you bring that other bottle down?” she asked him, he shook his head, then tutting she got up. “I’ll be back in a little while” she huffed and then walked off. I laughed at her, as much as her fiancé was a famous F1 driver, she treated him like any other bloke, and I loved her for it.


The sun was baking down on us and I’d decided to cool down a little by having a swim. It really was lovely out here; the place was peaceful, with only 3 elderly couples enjoying the loungers other than us. The pool was empty too so I could swim up and down in a leisurely pace. I had just completed my 6th lap, stopping at the far end of the pool, resting up in the deep water when I saw Nico walking around the pool side in Laura’s direction. My stomach rolled a little, well okay, a lot, as I watched him. I hadn’t seen him since he left me outside of my room last night and messaged me with those kisses. I watched as he dropped his towel onto the lounger, followed by his hat and then, I gulped, his white t-shirt. It made my mind flash back to the night I met him, standing by the pool side, me admiring his long toned torso…I really had to stop staring! So I pushed off from the wall and dug down into another couple of lengths.

“Is he your boyfriend?” a gentle yet croaky voice asked me as I resurfaced back where I started. I looked to my left to see an older lady in a black swimming costume sitting on the edge of the pool submerging her feet in the cool water. She flicked her glance up to where the guys were sitting, and I followed it, seeing Nico sitting on his lounger, leaning his elbows on his knees as he looked over at me. He smiled at me, so I returned it, “No, he’s just a friend” I replied kindly to the lady. “Oh well,” she chuckled a little, “I think you may have an admirer there young lady” she smiled at me. I blushed and smiled a little at her, “do you like him?” she asked me, I was quite surprised that she was asking that, yet I didn’t find it rude. I smiled instantly, “Ahh, say no more” she winked at me, making me giggle a little more. “Well my dear, I think you should let him know” she advised, “he’s been watching you all the time he’s been over there. Even when he’s been talking to those friends of yours” she said, making me laugh. I looked back over to him again, and sure enough he was talking to Paul, yet stealing glances at me when he thought no one was looking. “Oh, I don’t think I could do that” I turned back to the lady. She smiled at me, leaning towards me, in turn I moved a little closer to her, “listen.” She whispered at me, “When I was a lot younger, about your age, I met a gentleman who was everything I wanted, tall, dark, handsome, the whole shebang, but I never told him. we had been friends for years, and I held back my feelings for him, then he went off to war” she sighed, “I never saw him again, until the war ended, 6 years later, and he was with a girl, married too.” she looked down into the water, “don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a happy life, had an incredible husband, children…but I still sometimes look back and wish I had told him. Maybe things wouldn’t have worked out anyway, but at least I would be at peace with it that I had confessed my love for him.” she said, seeming that the tale she was telling me still pulled on her heart strings a whole lot. I felt for her, wondering how that must feel. “I’m sorry to hear that” I said softly. She smiled at me kindly, “I guess what I’m trying to say is, even if he didn’t return the feelings, at least you can walk away knowing so, and not wondering what if for the rest of your life” she stated. I nodded at her, she was right, and if he didn’t feel the same? Well, I’d have to cross that bridge when I came to it. “I wouldn’t wait to long about it either dear” she said, I looked up to her again, “because if you do, someone might come along and do it first” she advised, then looking up over my shoulder. I turned around and saw Nico dropping into the water at the shallow end of the pool. “And if you’re not careful, it may just be me” she added, making me spin around to her, “dear, he is one tall, handsome drink of water” she said, giving me a wink, making me giggle loudly.

“Hello ladies” turning around, I saw Nico surface out of the water, towering above me. “Hey” I smiled at him, feeling my cheeks turning pink again. “Are you having a nice day?” he asked, glancing between me and my new friend. “Yeah, Nico, this is…”
“Betty” she smiled at him, “nice to meet you Betty, I’m Nico” he smiled at her. “Very nice to meet you too” she smiled at him, making me giggle, thinking of the last comment she gave me. “Are you both here on holiday?” she asked him. he laughed, “I’m racing this weekend in the Formula 1 car” he explained, “and my friends invited me to come along and watch,” I explained, “Nico is my friend’s team mate” I added. “Ahh, I see.” She nodded wisely. “Well you keep safe in that car of yours” she told Nico with a pointed finger, making us both laugh. “I will, I promise” he smiled back at her, nodding, dipping his body back into the water. “good.” she nodded assertively. “And if you win, I’m sure this lovely young lady will give you the winning kiss” she said, beaming a smile. I felt myself blush a lot more, Betty sat there smiling at us and Nico laughed a little nervously. “Maybe that is another reason to win, ah Betty?” he asked her, making her chuckle. “I’m sure it is” she nodded at him. I did nothing but stand there blushing, wanting to duck myself completely under the water. 

“Betty!” a voice called over to us, making the three of us look over, seeing an older man standing in the door way of the hotel. “Oh that’s my husband” she said, looking back to us as she waved him off. “He’s German too, and if he wants to be off somewhere it’s with military precision” she mumbled as she managed to get onto her feet. “So be warned dear, they can be hard work,” she said to me, making Nico glance across at me, “but they’re very passionate” she winked, and with that she walked off to her husband.

I just stood there and watched her, thinking about her last comment, not daring to look at Nico. “She was a character” he said simply. I giggled; “yeah she was” I smiled fondly. Her words echoing in my head as I finally turned back to him. “So, how are you enjoying your day?” he asked me, “Yeah it’s been good so far, pretty relaxing,” I nodded, “how about you?” I asked, causing him to shrug his head, “the opposite” he replied, “pretty boring. Interviews this morning and then the driver conference” he said, “it’s not so bad sometimes, depending who you’re sitting with” he added, “and you were stuck with?” I pushed, “there was Jenson, Alonso and Sebastian on the front row, and then Rosberg, me and Kimi” he almost spat the Fin’s name. “Oh” I replied, not really knowing what else to say to that. “I guess it wasn’t such a pleasant experience then” I said, he shook his head, “especially when he asked me if you had changed your mind yet about changing teams” he said, making me gasp. “He didn’t?!” Nico nodded, “right as we were all leaving” he told me. I cringed. “Is he always like this?” I asked, looking up at Nico’s sad expression, he shook his head, “pretty much. It's kimi, he can probably get any girl he wants.” He said, looking away from me to his fingers that he was fiddling with under the water. “Oh” I was a little shocked at that. Or was I? I thought he was cool, and handsome to boot, but still, I sure wasn’t here for that, and besides, was Kimi really what I would want to be with?

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