Track Talk

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The next morning came far too quickly, I'd had little sleep from thinking about Nico's car, to the excitement of the race to the impending flight I had away from this environment I had melted into.

After showering and dressing, into a pair of short white denim shorts, a thin black silk camisole and gladiator sandals, I was making my way out to the car that was taking me to the track. I'd decided to let Nico go do his thing today and not get in the way of his usual routine, the same went for Laura and Paul. I'd agreed to meet up with Laura in the hospitality suite.


Following the now familiar route from the car into the paddock, I felt eyes on me as I spied a few photographers intending on taking my photo. I knew I'd never get used to that, but having my aviator sunglasses on, I felt a little bit of protection. I dunno why, but I did. "Victoria!" one of them called out to me. I looked up seeing the guy hold his hand up in a wave. I smiled at him and waved a little back at him as he snapped away.  That'll keep them happy for now,  I thought and quickly I ducked into the force India building.


"hey" I smiled breathlessly as I dropped down onto the seat beside Laura. "morning. You ready for the day?" she said returning my smile. "yeah. I'm nervous too" I laughed. She nodded knowingly. "me too, always am." she said, sipping on her carry out coffee. "the guys will be down shortly. Wanna grab a drink and head across there?" she suggested. "of course"


Laura filled me in on the usual routine of race day, soon the guys would be down after their briefing with the team and off to do the track parade. Then, a little time meeting some of the sponsors that were here today, a few more chats with the team and then it was down to the good stuff, the race.

She left me at Nico's side of the garage and she headed off to Paul's. I found my Stool as usual, sitting in its perfect spot at the back of the garage, my vantage point was spot on here. I perched upon it, ready to start my favourite activity, people watching, when I was disturbed.

"you're here" I instantly smiled, looking round to find Nico looking down at me with that perfect smile of his. "yeah, only just got here actually" I replied. "you ready?" I asked him. "as it ever be" he replied, "I've got to do the interview on track now" he added, making me nod. "I'll be watching" I grinned, seeing someone come up behind him, "Nico" they said, making him turn to them and nod, "see you soon" he smiled at me, which I returned and watched him walk through the garage to head to the track.


To say I was jealous would be an understatement, there he was, in the strong Italian sun shine, being driven around the track in an old skool Mercedes 300SL Cabriolet. I felt sick I was that jealous of him right now. They were gliding round the track as the lady who sat beside him readied herself to interview him.

It was the usual typical stuff that she asked, I didn't know how they did it, being asked the same old stuff all the time, how's the car? What's your favourite part of the track? What do you think of your tyre choices? Blah blah blah. But then a question made my ears prick up.

"so I hear you have a new mascot?" immediately I felt my face turn bright red. "ah," Nico chuckled, "perhaps I do" he grinned, I couldn't help but smile too, even though I felt a few glances come my way in the garage. "is she a lucky mascot?" the lady smiled. "well we will have to see after the race" he replied as charmingly as ever. "good, well I hope so, have a good race Nico!" she smiled and the crowd cheered for him. Well that wasn't embarrassing...

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