Raging Hormones

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I’d woken up the following morning feeling pretty refreshed. Even though it had been a late one, I was feeling like I’d slept for years. I climbed out of bed and flicked on the shower. Waiting for it to heat up, I grabbed my phone to check on twitter. It was my only social media weakness.

I flopped onto the bed and layed on my stomach scrolling through my tweets. Most of the usual stuff came up, Disney world tweets, some from bands I liked and then quite a few from the drivers I followed. Speaking of which, there was one from Nico.

Have a good feeling about this weekend. Great track, great car and a new mascot ;)

My stomach instantly rolled over, the butterflies were already awake. I simply favourited the tweet and saw that another 900 people had done the same, and some guys had asked who the mascot was, others asking if it was the blonde girl on the previous photo he had tweeted. I dropped the phone onto the duvet and wandered into the bathroom, thinking about the day ahead.


“good morning” Laura smiled at me as I walked out of the hotel room. “hey” I smiled at her, seeing Nico and Paul walking towards the lift. I shut the door and adjusted my bag strap on my shoulder. “he seems a little chirpier this morning” she whispered to me as we walked over to them, referring to Nico. I looked up at him as we got closer and he looked over to me, as did Paul and he smiled at me with that stomach flipping smile of his. As I returned it, I felt Laura watching the two of us. “hey Vick” Paul greeted me, as the lift doors opened. “hey” I smiled back at him. we all walked into the lift. Laura pushed the button and the doors closed, but as soon as we seemed to descend, we came to a halt and the doors opened once again, and to our surprise, we were joined by the guys from last night.

“oh, hey” they smiled at Paul and Nico. The two drivers nodded and greeted them. “I bet you guys are knackered?!” one of the guys chuckled a little looking at me and Nico, as we had somehow been pushed to the back of the lift. “huh?” Laura asked, flinging her head around to look at us. I knew my face went a little pink, and so did Nico. “yeah these two were only heading back up the their room at 12 this morning” the guy told Laura. We just stood there smiling nervously at our friends, Laura raised a brow at us and Paul stood grinning at us like we’d been caught doing something we shouldn’t.


“What was that all about?” Laura asked me, hanging back behind the guys as they walked ahead with the fans to the entrance of the hotel. I blushed, “we bumped into Kimi on the way back here” I said, and then following it by explaining all that happened last night. “And then I kissed him”
“Aww Vick” she cooed at me, making me laugh. “Yeah, so I guess I’m gonna be in the garage beside you” I told her, “fantastic” she beamed at me as we stepped out into the Italian air. It was only 7am and we were on our way to the track for the first day on track, and free practice 1 and 2.


soon we were at the track and in the Force India garages. Laura was on the right side of the garage, stood talking with some of the mechanics, and I was kind of floating around at the back, hoping and trying not to get in the way. I leant against the wall in the back of the garage watching Mike and Steve working on the car with the other mechanics. I was truly in my heaven. But then a touch on my hand startled me, making me turn my head to see Nico standing behind me, “come with me” he whispered into my ear, taking hold of my hand and pulling me into a tiny little white room.

Nico closed the door and turned back to me. “Are you okay?” he asked me softly, walking over to me. I smiled and nodded, “yeah, I’m so excited about being here today” I told him, as he slipped his hands against my cheeks. “Good” he whispered, then moving in kissing my lips softly. “You look nice today” he told me after he pulled away, yet staying close against me, still holding my face tenderly. “Thank you” I blushed. He gave my lips a swift kiss and then stepped back to give me some space. “I’m going to be really busy today, so I don’t know how much time I will have with you” he explained, ruffling his hair with his hand. “Nico” I smiled, watching him look over to me, “I know how this works remember?” I grinned, causing him to visually relax a little, “give me a set of headphones, get your suit on and get in that beautiful car” I told him, making him laugh at me as I rested my bum against the physio couch that sat against the back wall of the room. “Sorry, I forget you know what we do” he said, looking down to the floor a little, still with a smile on his face. “Exactly, so don’t worry about me, I’ll have a whale of a time out there” I beamed a grin at him. He nodded at me, “okay” he smiled, and watched me as I stood up and walked back over to him. “now, as much as I wanna hang around in here and watch you get into that suit, I’ll leave you to it” I said, making his face blush lightly. I reached up quickly and kissed his cheek, and then opened the door and left his private room.


my stomach swirled as I sat on a stool that had been placed out there in the back of the garage for me. I was a little nervous now that I had said what I had to Nico, but it was only the truth, so I tried my best to shrug it off. “here you go miss” a young guy dressed in the force India team colours said, handing me a set of white headphones. “oh thank you” I smiled, taking them off him. He winked at me and then disappeared off to wherever he came from. I slipped them on over my ears and instantly heard voices from the mechanics chattering to each other.

I was right into my own little world watching the organised chaos in front of me, and their voices in my ears when I was startled once more, but by someone lifting up my right ear piece. “They look cute on you” a soft German accent wafted into my ear. My eyes flew up to my right, seeing Nico’s body stood beside me, I felt him place it back down gently on my ear and then he walked on over to his car, not even looking at me. But I liked it, he was relaxing a little more with me, but the comment made my face pink and my knees tremble again.

I watched him walking around the garage, talking with numerous engineers, the team principle and watching the tv screens hanging on the walls full of data on the car. My heart skipped a beat as he was now dressed in his white driver suit, well, his legs were, but the top half of the suit was hanging around his waist, the arms crossed over and wrapped below his toned stomach. He had his skin tight fitted long sleeved race top on, black ear pieces in and a white baseball cap on his head. This by far, was my favourite look on Nico during the race weekend. I just had to keep myself calm, I didn’t want the whole paddock knowing I was a whole bundle of raging hormones!

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