Is Jenson Drunk?!

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“What was that all about?” he asked me, looking from the floor of the car, to the window, briefly glancing at me, but not at my eyes. I sighed. “Oh the guy was testing me, asking me if I wanted a night with a driver” I said, seeing Nico’s eyes dart up to mine. I could see a glimmer of jealousy in his pale blue orbs. “Oh” he replied, then looking back to the window. “And he asked if I wanted to join him in his garage this weekend.” I added. Nico didn’t look back at me this time. There was nothing but silence for a few seconds, “and, are you?” I was shocked that he even thought I might say yes. “Of course not!” I gasped at him. He looked round to me; his expression read a little relieved by that. “firstly, one night stands are not my thing,” I stated, he looked at me a little amused as I started my rant, “and secondly, why the hell would I choose to switch to another garage when my friends invited me here and are part of Force India?!” I exclaimed. “The man is delusional” I said, shaking my head. Nico was sitting there grinning to himself, amused at my reaction mostly I think. He looked at me as I took a sigh, then I smiled a little bashful, “sorry” I said softly, looking down to my lap. “It’s more than okay” he chuckled, watching me for a second or two, before we felt the car come to a stop.


We travelled up to our floor, and took a right out of the lift to head to my room. Laura and Paul’s car must have made it here quicker than ours, we got held up in traffic a little after setting off. “So will I see you tomorrow in the garage?” he asked me softly as I pulled my key card out of my bag. “Or will you being joining lotus?” he asked, making me dart my head up to look at him, seeing him smiling at me. “Very funny Hulkenberg” I rolled my eyes as he chuckled at me.

I opened my door and stepped inside, throwing my bag back onto the bed. I turned back around to face him, seeing him standing in the doorway, hands in his trouser pockets looking at me. My heart raced. I smiled at him, and bit my lip. “Has anyone told you, how handsome you look tonight?” I asked him, making his cheeks blush lightly. He shrugged and shook his head, not taking his gaze away from me. “Just you” he replied, a little smile playing on his lips. How can he look cute and handsome at the same time? I smiled back at him, our eyes locked onto each other; I bet we looked like a couple of teenagers…

“Just kiss her already!” a voice startled us, “Jenson!” another one too; Nico turned around and I looked over his shoulder to see Jessica pulling her fiancé away from us, down the hall. Both of us cringed a little, but laughed at the cheeky McLaren driver.

“Well that was awkward” Nico blushed, as we looked back to each other. “I didn’t think you were allowed to get drunk this late in the week?” I asked, “I don’t actually think he is drunk!” we both laughed, momentarily killing any awkward silences that may arise.

“Well I will let you get to your bed, no doubt Laura has a busy day planned for you both” he said. Suddenly I felt incredibly disappointed. “Yeah, I haven’t a clue what we’re up to yet” I told him. “You’re in the driver conference aren’t you?” I asked him, to which he nodded, “yes, interviews all morning and then the driver’s conference. Then straight into the car Friday for free practice 1” he said, making me nod, “I can’t wait” I beamed, making him grin more. “So you will definitely be in the garage on Friday?” he asked me, “of course! You can’t keep me away from those cars!” I laughed, making him too. “Good. Well, I hope to see you soon” he nodded, shuffling on his feet as he hesitated to leave. “Me too,” I smiled with a blush, “thank you again for tonight Nico” I said, and swiftly reached up on my tip toes and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. “Oh, it was a pleasure” he blushed, “goodnight”
“Goodnight Nico” I smiled, stepping to the threshold of my room, watching him walk away down the hall.

I closed the door after a few seconds and hit my head against it. Why did I feel so empty, yet so nervous excited? Part of me knew we were going to kiss, and I wanted to more than anything, but I was nervous to make a move, and I think so was he. I kind of got the impression he liked me, and especially from what Laura and Paul had said, but I wasn’t so sure if he knew I liked him too? I was confused, I only had 4 more days with them all before I had to go home, so much had happened already and I was having the time of my life, but I guess I’d be back amongst them all in a few weeks time for Abu Dhabi.

So, I moped across the room, taking off my dress to hang up on its hanger, and I crawled under my covers with my iphone. I pondered a moment, but decided to go onto twitter and type in Nico’s handle. He popped up on my screen, his profile picture of him in his race suit made me smile. I had followed him for quite a while anyway, but I knew he wouldn’t have known who I was, I didn’t care, but then I saw the selfie he had put on of us both and the caption. I smiled again, a complete and utter girlie smile as my butterflies failed to calm down. I favourited it, and re-tweeted it, adding;

Being an F1 driver never looked so good…#handsome

I smiled to myself as I sent it, also having a quick look at some of the comments people had written, thankfully like Laura said, most of them were nice, asking if I was his new girlfriend and what was my name. I happily read through a few of them when my phone pinged with a personal message.

You follow me already?

Always have, I’m a fan remember? 

Then my phone pinged again, @hulkhulkenberg follows you! I didn’t think my smile could get any wider, but then I got another message;


I squeaked aloud in my silent hotel room. Maybe he didn’t kiss me goodnight, but this was good enough for me. 

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