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In the paddock, I had left Nico to head inside his garage and I was sat with Laura in hospitality. “so c’mon spill!!” she said excitedly at me. I laughed, and then began to tell her all that happened last night, and hell it had been eventful….


“aww Vick!” she beamed a smile at me. I grinned back at her, “I guess this means I wont be seeing you for the rest of the weekend?” she winked. I laughed, “well no, you guys invited me, I aren’t gonna ditch you” I frowned, she rolled her eyes, “I’ve known you long enough to know you’re not like that” she laughed, I smiled, “but girlie, he’s gorgeous, I wouldn’t blame you if you did” she laughed, making me giggle too. “but no physical activity!” she pointed at me. I laughed, “Laura!” she winked at me, “I know what you’re like! I told ya!” she laughed. I blushed and shook m head, “don’t let Nico hear you say that, he’ll think I’m a man eater!” I laughed.

“A man eater?” a soft voice asked, making us jump and look round at the person behind us. “Nico!” Laura gasped, trying to not burst out laughing. I cringed and looked round to his face, thankfully seeing him highly amused, “where’s Paul?” Laura asked, trying to change the subject. “He’s in the garage. I’m going to the bathroom,” he told us, “see you in the garage?” he directed that to me. I smiled and nodded; he winked at me and then walked off. “Come on” Laura cackled at me as I burst out laughing too. I nodded as got up from my chair, throwing a look over to where Nico was walking, seeing him turn back to me with a grin on his face. I bit my lip a little as I looked back at him, then feeling Laura drag me to the garage.


My stool was still where I had left it yesterday, so I stuck my bum upon it as I watched everyone at work like yesterday. The same guy handed me some headphones and I placed them around my neck. Checking my watch, I saw it was almost time for free practice 3, which wasn’t a long stint as they were gearing up for qualifying this afternoon.

“okay Nico, let’s get out there and do what you did yesterday, you had some flying laps” Mike’s voice coming through the headphones. I could hear everything they said to each other. “copy that mike” Nico’s voice came through, making my stomach flip again. Then a flash of white walked passed me, taking my attention. It was Nico, suited up with his helmet and gloves on. He walked straight to the car, climbing in, getting himself adjusted, then the back of the car blocked my view of him.

I watched Nico climb out of the car in the middle of the first session. His car came to a halt on the track and he couldn't get it restarted. This meant he couldn't set a time and would have to start from the back of the grid.

Naturally I wanted to go and talk to him when he made it back to the garage, but I knew I couldn't whilst he discussed things with his engineers. I was gutted for him, but I still wanted to see how the other drivers were doing, my heart was still and always would be routing for JB.


Two hours later I was back at the hotel in my room looking at the qualy results, Jenson was sitting comfortably in 2nd, behind Lewis on pole and Paul had qualified 4th but due to a gearbox issue, dropped down 5 places to 9th.

Laura and Paul had come back with me, intending on a quiet, peaceful night before the race tomorrow. Much like the majority of the drivers.

I had gotten changed into my pj's, expecting a lazy evening alone myself when my phone jingled with a text.

Sorry I wasn't able to come back with you. X

I smiled, wondering why the hell he was apologising. His car was injured, she came first!

Don't worry! How's the car? X

Good, hopefully. Starting from the back of the grid so it'll be a tough start. X

Yeah, but I like a challenge. Get some rest and I'll see you tomorrow when you Hulk it out ;)  xx

Haha yeah I will, just for you. Goodnight beautiful. I'll be expecting my good luck kiss before the race ;) xxx

That sent my butterflies off in my stomach once again, but I fully intended to provide as much luck as he wanted...

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