A Fin, A German And An English woman Standing Outside Of A Bar...

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We walked arm in arm along the quiet street, just talking about nothing in particular when we heard my name being called. The pair of us looked up and to our left, seeing Kimi stood in the doorway to a bar watching me expectantly. "shit" I whispered a little under my breath. "what's up?" Nico asked, looking up at me, then seeing Kimi watching us. "he'd told Paul to get me to meet him here, to have a drink with him" immediately I felt Nico's grasp on my arm slacken as we stood in the street looking back at the Fin.

"oh""he sighed softly. I looked up to the German, as he looked down at me with those pale blue eyes. He looked disappointed. Suddenly Betty from this afternoon popped into my head. Her words echoing around in my mind as I looked back to Kimi. If you never tell him how you feel, you'll spend your whole life wondering. She was right. I looked back at Nico, who was giving me those sad eyes, and I sighed, "stay here a second" I told him, to which he frowned, but thankfully did as I asked.

I then turned my attention back to the awaiting Fin, who I noticed hadn't taken his gaze off of myself and Nico. I walked over to him standing there waiting for me in his classic Vans shoes, baggy jeans and white Makia tee. His hair was long and messy and he held a stout glass in his hand. "Kimi"
"you are coming for a drink with me?" he asked me, keeping his gaze on me as I reached him. I shook my head lightly. "I'm sorry Kimi," I replied, "I haven't come here for that, I've come for the racing" I explained, he didn't seem to want to accept that as a reason. "but you are with him" he said, suggesting Nico with his beverage. I looked round and saw Nico stood watching us, his hands in his pockets and his head a little low, looking up at us from under his light brow.

"I'm not with Nico" I said, turning back to the angry looking Fin. "he wants you to be" he stated. That shocked me, "and I see that you like him too" how could Kimi tell? I didn't know how to react to that, I just frowned at him. "like I said Kimi, I didn't come here looking for that" I said, "and? Doesn't mean you cannot find it here" he shrugged. I was exasperated. "you do not want me and I guess it is fine." He said, breaking his gaze on me for the first time as he looked to the floor briefly. Suddenly I felt a little sorry for him, "I will have to deal with it" he told me. "you are a different kind of woman's" he said, "having the offer to be with 2 drivers and you are more about the racing" he said, with a slight smile to his face, I couldn't help but mirror his expression. "Fuck, he is lucky" he shook his head, that made me blush even more, "Hulkenberg got there a little before me I think" he added with a slight chuckle. I knew then that he was okay with being knocked back, and more importantly, there wasn't going to be any animosity amongst the two drivers. So I stepped a little closer to the pint sized Fin, and gently kissed his cheek. "good luck on Sunday Kimi" I said softly into his ear, then hearing a light growl emanate from him, "and you know what garage to come to if you ever want to" he replied, finding myself slightly giddy that Kimi was still interested in me. I stepped away from him and smiled. His ice blue irises locked onto mine and for a brief moment I wondered what it would be like to be in his bed. But before that thought could become a ponder, or more scarily a reality, I turned away from him and saw Nico kicking a stone around on the pavement. My tummy started swirling.

"are you okay?" Nico asked softly, seeing me walking over to him. I smiled and nodded, seeing Nico look over my shoulder to see Kimi had gone. He didn't say anything more, but we turned back onto our original route back to the hotel.


We didn't really talk much on our way back to the hotel, Nico seemed a little awkward, and it put me on edge. He didn't ask me about my conversation with Kimi, and I didn't chose to tell him either. Not because I had something to hide, I just didn't think he was all too interested. Besides, I didn't know how I would tell him that Kimi knew we liked each other. That would have been way too awkward!

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