Hulk It Out

650 27 1

A couple hours later...

I slipped back into the garage after my toilet break, ready for the race to start. Finding my usual spot with my headphones already waiting for me sitting upon the Stool, I smiled and grabbed them, immediately hearing the crackle and chatter of the teams radio. It got me every time.

I settled down with my second coffee of the day and finally took the time to soak in everything that was going on around me. The guy wiping down the car, the guys holding the heat pads round the tires to keep them at optimum temperature, even the dude applying last minute stickering to the side panel of the car. Everyone had a job and were the best at it. Not one guy was unappreciated and it showed. Behind me, the lady who took care of Nico's media was talking it up to some sponsors who had shown up for the race, all dressed in suits and looking far too official to actually seem to be enjoying themselves. I guess some people have to think business 24/7. Fortunate for me, this place wasnt one of those times.

Anyway, distracting me from my nosiness, that familiar tall,  lean flash of white caught my eye, it was most probably the funky colours of his helmet, but I saw Nico standing not too far away from me going over stats with his chief engineer. I watched as he pulled his helmet over his head, making sure it was comfortable. The guy beside him passed him his white racing gloves, which he pulled on next. The guy slapped him on his back and said something to him and walked away. Nico gave his engineer a final nod and waited for him to go to his car.

But first, he turned in my direction, seeing me sitting there caused a smile to erupt on his face, only seeing the effect of his smiling eyes. But it made my stomach flutter. I returned his smile with one of my own, raising my hand to my mouth I blew him his good luck kiss. Then a blush flurried onto my cheeks as he threw a wink my way. I love a man who can wink. *swoon

And within seconds, he was over to his car, climbing in ready to go smash in some laps.

......... After the race......

"I guess I'm not much of a good luck mascot huh" I sighed as I leant against the wall of Nico's quiet room. He gave a quiet almost subdued chuckle. I knew he was gutted, finishing 21st with brake issues wasn't exactly the best result. "and what an end to a crap weekend, as you're leaving soon" he said, sipping on his post race fluids. "don't remind me" I groaned, glancing at my watch. "I actually better be heading to the hotel to pack my stuff up" I told him. "right now?" he asked, disappointment lacing his voice. I nodded as I watched him get up off his chair and walk over to me. "nico!" there was a loud bang on the door, making me jump. I heard nico swear under his breath, "ok" he called back, "I was hoping to avoid the interviews today, I wanted to spend a little time with you before you leave" he confessed, standing right in front of me, gently resting his forehead against mine. I smiled at the touch, "its okay, I'll see you before I head to the airport" I said, "okay" he whispered, standing up straight again. "see you soon" I said softly, really not wanting to leave this tender moment for a second. He just stood and watched me as I placed my hand upon the door handle. I turned back to him, reaching up on my tiptoes and placed a kiss on his cheek. Then I was out the door.

Nico was right, what an absolutely utter crap end to the week.

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