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Do NOT read this story straight through. This work contains many different stories and adventures on each page that you may have to travel through in your journey here. Every once in a while, you will be given a choice or decision. These choices will lead either to achievement or catastrophe.

Your journey depends on your choices. You are responsible for your adventure. After you make your choice, follow the specified instructions to see what happens next in your travel.

Consider carefully before making your decision. Will you survive your journey in the world of Na'ami? It is hereby up to you!

Good luck!


Read starting on page one. Follow the instructions at the end of each excerpt. To get to the page, find it like you would skip to a different chapter. Do not cheat! It will ruin the adventure.

Feel free to retake your adventure as many times as you wish.

Fantasy Alive CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now