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You are lead down to the dungeons by the lady. As you go, you feel heat begin to fill the thin, pressured air. No words were exchanged as you went deeper and deeper into the darkness.

Eventually the dark staircase comes to a stop and you find yourself in the dungeon. There is a walkway before you and the right is a line of cells. Your left is a cliff down into a pit of lava, which would explain the high temperature.

You are sweating horribly from being anxious as it is, you really didn't need to go through this, too. To your horror and astonishment, you see skeletons and still decaying bodies in the cells. And more than one, too. It seems that the lady doesn't care one bit about anyone who ends up here. For all you know, they are forgotten about and left forever. You even begin to wonder if she even feels regret about anything that happens to those who wander into her trap.

She opens a cell with a key and basically shoves you in. She slams it and locks the cell. Still wordlessly, she throws the key down into the lava. She walks off, back up to the castle.

You wonder, what if she didn't talk because she really did care and hated that she had to do this to people. But what does it matter? You die from heat, thirst, and exhaustion a week later, sad to lose your new-found friend. Also known as the last person who died in that cell.

Congratulations. You were talking to skeletons and ghosts. Well, too bad anyways.

The End

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