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You go left into the dark, creepy forest. In this part of the forest, you come across many monsters and large, deadly snakes. Your worst favorite of these beasts are rats that come up to your thigh and spiders that are easily 5 times as tall as you. Luckily, you are great with a sword.

You finally come across a castle, and you feel it is the place you were supposed to find.

You see a small shelter that is full of medical supplies. You have quite a bit of scrapes and cuts, and it might do you good to fix up before going in the castle. Or you could enter the castle right away. After all, there may be a nurse.

You might get better help in there, but the castle looks deserted.

In other words, you may get better help in the shelter.

If you enter the castle, go to page 9

If you go to the shelter, go to page 11

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