Chapter Eleven

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 Hi! :)

So, I've reached my goal quicker than expected and because of that, I was in a hurry to write this chapter so please excuse me if it's not good :/

Either way, I'm still hoping that you'll enjoy it! :)




      That was the only term to cross my mind as I starred at the girl in front of me. Her eyes, which usually shone in their beautiful bright blue colour were drained, looking nowhere as near as they used to do. Her eyes, dull as they gazed back at me, were a giveaway that the past few days she had to endure did not do her any justice. In fact, by only looking at her pale skin and her freckles coming even more into view because of that, were one of the many signs of how miserably she must feel at that moment. Though, it was not her hair, which was falling down her shoulders in a frizzled mess, nor her lifeless eyes starring back at me which caused me to close my eyes as a deep breath left my parted lips.

       It were for one, the large purple coloured bruise on her cheek and those purple coloured spots which looked like fingerprints on both of her cheeks, covering her delicate, pale skin. However, the young woman starring at me did not look so frightened about what took place and caused these bruises inked into her skin. No, the only emotion swirling in the depths of her eyes, the complete and utter fright she felt was directed to the future. When someone put her through something like that once, who could say the the person would not do it again? Perhaps even worse the next time?

     That frightened looking girl, so petite and thin due the lack of food she ate was someone both at the same time so alien yet so familiar. It was me. Chloe. The girl who upon deciding to push the accident away into her past and stop mourning about it, and ended up in a world where myths such as demons and vampires, creatures she was hundred per cent sure of only did exist in fairy tale, existed.

     I watched one tear escaping my eyes, making its way slowly down my bruised skin as it held so much pain beneath its facade. The amount of pain hidden behind my eyes were not for me, no. It was dedicated for two special people I lost and especially, for my dear brother who had been ripped away from me. Carter was the one and only person I could rely on back then and now that I was away from him? I felt alone, completely alone and vulnerable without my older brother by my side, keeping a close eye on my every movement. Only then did I miss his overprotective behaviour which used to annoy me. And only now did I appreciate everything he had done and given to me so far. 

      A sudden noise startled me, snapping me out of my thoughts as I swiftly whipped away the tears of mine. My eyes shifted so I could get a better view of whoever entered the room I was in from the mirror of the little bathroom I was currently standing in. I did not make any attempt to move, to look who was out there or even to acknowledge the presence of the person that entered the room. What was in the point in that, however?

     With every visit I would get, not of importance of who it actually was, I'd get more and more information about the situation I was in. If I did wanted to hear those things or not was still unknown to me since it either way for one, were useful information I could use against everyone in here to escape from this hell or, those information would do one thing, frighten me to the point where I do everything as to what I've been told to do. With no arguments, rude remarks or obligations coming from me. And that was one thing, I promised myself to never do.

      As the heavy footsteps approached the bathroom I was in, my eyes focused back on the girl gazing back in front of me. While I had a good idea of who may could visit me at that moment, I was trying my hardest to tell the reflection of mine to not show any emotions whatsoever. She had to stay strong, be cold and not let anything of what he was about to say or do effect her. 

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