Chapter two

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When Tom got back Edd was on the computer, and Matt had also just gotten back with the makeup.

Edd saw out of the corner of his eye his friends were back. He got up and walked over to them

"Got the supplies?" Edd asked Tom and Matt

Matt gave his bag of makeup to Edd and Tom put the guns and crowbar down on the table in the living room.

"Great! I need to finish researching about Tord and his armies, you guys go out and find as much information as possible about what it looks like and what we'll be dealing with out there"

Edd walked to the table got the walky talkys, went back to Matt and Tom, and said "soooo...take these, we need to have names for each other, I'll beee...'green cola', what do you guys want your names to be?"

"I want mine to be 'the most handsome guy on the universe!' " Matt Said

"I'll be 'Susan' " Tom said looking a little embarrassed 

"Great! Now that we got our names, no one will know our real names!" Edd said sounding excited. "I'll do the research, now go find some more things about outside!" Edd said happily

Matt and Tom rushed outside in different directions, Tom went across the street, and Matt went the way that Tom went when he went to the gun shop.

(Matt first person point of view is coming)

I ran as fast as I could! Around the corner, took a left, another left, and there it was! The gun shop! I was expecting something fishy going on here because Tom had a weird look on his face when I got back. I saw two men standing out side of the store, one had HUUUGE eyebrows and the other had unusually long hair. "Ummm..excuse me..?" I said

The huge eyebrows guy asked "What do you want?"

"Do you work here?" I asked him

He chuckled a little bit and said "No no! I wouldn't work here even if it was the only job on the planet! I work for the red army"

That's why Tom had the weird look! He never has a look on his face like he did. I said "oh, just the people I was looking for! I need to interview a red army soldier because I want to be one! I want to know what it's like!" Uh oh...what did I get myself into?

"Oh! That's great!" He's smiled, when he did, his eyebrows seemed to have the same expression.. "What do you want to know? I can tell you anything" he said happily

"Oh! I wanted to know...where do you get your uniforms?" I asked, trying not to seem nervous

"Oh! There's a huge room and there are a bunch of uniforms there" he answered

The room can't be as big as your eyebrows I thought to myself. "Where is the army stationed right now? And where will you guys go?" I asked

"Were stationed about...5 miles from here, and we won't move again until next year, we still need to get a system of transportation. So we'll be here for a while" he answered "anymore questions?" He asked

"Well I have one more question, what are your names?" I asked

"Oh! I'm Paul and the guy next to me is Patryk, also whats your name? we can tell the red leader that your thinking about joining" he smiled

"My name? Oh I'm....Jake!" I replied stupidly

"Nice meeting you Jake! Also do you happen to know a Edd, Matt, or Tom? And if you do, do you know where they live?" Paul asked me

"Ummm...No! I've never known anyone with those names..heh.." I started sounded nervous, and I started sweating a bit.

"You look nervous, you alright, Jake?" Paul asked me

"Yes! I'm fine! Just got a little hot there...anyways, I've got to go, bye!" I said again, sounding stupid. I raced off and hid on the wall of an ally. I got my walky talkys off of my trousers and I pressed a button and said "Green cola, you there? Green cola?"

"Yes I'm here, do you have a problem, the most handsome guy in the universe?" Edd asked me

"Yes." I replied

Now Tom picked up. "You guys there?" He asked

"Yep!" Me and Edd replied at the same time

"Anyways, what's your problem Ma- I mean the most handsome guy on the universe?" Edd asked me

"Tord is after us." I said

"What do you mean?" Edd asked

"Well, long story short, I ran into two red army soldiers, and asked them questions like I wanted to join the red army, and this guy with big bushy eyebrows asked me 'Do you know a Edd, Matt or Tom? And if so, do you know where the live?' " I replied

"Oh no...retreat! Come back to base!" Edd said "aka my apartment" he whispered

I ran back to Edd's apartment meeting him and Tom there.

But what I didn't know was that Paul and Patryk heard the whole conversation with me, Edd, and Tom. I was in for the ride of my life.

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