Chapter 19

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Toms POV

I woke up...?

All I remember is that I jumped out of a window.and then everything went black from there.

I was in what looked like a van.

I saw these two men standing there.

I saw Matt. Just looking at me. He turned around the way that two other men were facing, their backs towards me.

"H-he's up, Eduardo" Matt said, scared to one of the Men

The two guys turned around to face me as well as Matt. They're name tags read "Mark" and "Eduardo" and they looked exactly like the old neighbores, I wonder when they joined this army...and why they did...

"Is this a dream?" I asked them

"Nope" Mark replied

"Pinch me then" I commanded

"Alright" Eduardo said

Eduardo confronted me, and pinched my arm.

It hurt.

It wasn't a dream. I was with the red army now.

I tried to get up but something was pulling back on my wrist, I sat back down, ii looked behind me to see it was a chain.

"Well, at least we get to see each other...right?" Matt said trying to make the situation better.

"Yeah.." I said. I was still processing what happened

"What happened?" I asked Eduardo

"You jumped out a window and passed out." Eduardo said

"Great escape number...i forgot which one that was, was a fail." I thunk aloud

"You don't say" Mark said sarcastically.

"Shut up!" I yelled at Mark

Eduardo punched me in the face. It hurt like heck

"You don't tell us what to do, we tell you what to do." Eduardo said as he glared at me

The van suddenly stopped a few minutes later, we were here. At the place where I would be for the rest of my life.

"Red leader, you need to unchain the alcoholic over here" Mark said as he turned his back to me again and pointed back at me with his thumb.

"Oh yeah.." Commie said as he came to the back with a key, he unlocked the cuff.

But as soon as I got up, Eduardo took my wrists, put them behind my back and tied my wrists together.

I was annoyed.

I must've showed it because commie asked me "What's wrong Jehovah's Whitness, can't face the fact that you just got captured by me?"

"Shut up" I said to commie

I turned to Eduardo, he looked at commie. Commie gave him a wave. And I got punched in the face again

"Told you that you don't tell us what to do" Eduardo said firmly

Mark held onto my shoulder as he led me out of the van and into the building, I got my wrists untied, but then I got thrown into a cell.

That's the day, I got captured by Tord, the world was and still is his.

Instead of Eddsworld, it may as well be called Tordsworld now.

The end.

That's the end of the book! Wow, I created my own book. And it somehow has 1k reads. Thank you all for supporting me by reading my book, it really helps me, and I can't belive people actually enjoyed this book :'D don't worry! There will be a sequel! I just need to make the cover,then plan out the events that are going good to happen, this book was planned to have Edd Matt and Tom save the world, but they didn't XD I hope you enjoyed this book, see you in the sequel.

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