Chapter Six

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(Tom first person point of view)

It was a while before a soldier came in the room and asked me "calmed down now?"

"No, I will be when I leave this stupid place" I said

But still, he told me to follow him, I did, and guess who I was in front of again? Tord.

"Calmed down now, Tom?" Tord asked

"No, I will be when I leave this stupid place" I repeated

"Well, I just need a few answers and you'll be on your way" Tord said

"Just ask them already" I said in an annoyed tone

"First of all: when did you and your friends plan on taking me out?" Tord asked

"Just yesterday, also how do you know about our plans?" I answered truthfully, but I also wanted an answer too

"Only I can ask questions" he chuckled a little bit and then said in a calm tone "ahhh, classic stupid Tom" and he wrote down my answer with a red pen on a notepad

I got a little frustrated that he wouldn't let me ask questions but he asked me another one

"Where do you and your friends live?" Tord asked

"Seriously? Isn't that getting a little too into it?!" I whined

"You do have a point...but which apartment do your friends live in?" Tord asked

"Matt lives in apartment 12 on the first floor, and Edd lives in apartment 24 on the same floor" I lied trying not to be suspicious

"Good...good.." Tord said as he wrote that down

"Now next, and final question! Would you ever join the red army? And if you didn't what would you do if you were forced into it?" Tord asked

"Seriously?! You know my answer, Absolutely Not! Never! And if I were forced to, I'd find a way to run away and be with my friends again" I said sounding a little angry

"Good, good" he said again as he wrote it down. "Now...put him in a cell!"

"WHAT?!" I shouted "You're not going to keep me hostage! Not on my watch!" I ran out of the room, the way that eyebrows led me and I sprinted for freedom out the doors.

Now at the apartment building (also Matt first point of view)

I bursted into Edd's apartment and I yelled "TOM WENT MISSING!!"

The second I said that I heard "What?!!!" From Edd sitting on his couch watching his television and drinking cola.

"How do you know?" Edd eagerly asked

"Well, I just went up to his apartment, the door was open, and I searched the whole place, no one was in there!" I exclaimed

"We need to find him!" Edd said

We made a plan that we were going to find a little more research on Tord and then go out to look for Tom, we thought Tord had something to do with it.

We must've been researching longer than we thought, because I looked at the clock and an hour had went by! I told Edd and we went downstairs to the main lobby, getting ready to go find him and poof there Tom was, he bursted through the door like he was being chased by a tiger or something

"Tom!!" Me and Edd said at the same time

"Bring me to Edd's apartment, NOW!" Tom said worried

So we brought him up to Edd's apartment and he explained the story to us, after he was done, we heard a bunch of footsteps coming for the door. Next thing I knew was this:

A bunch of men in outfits bursted in through the door and yelled "PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" And they aimed their guns at us. We did put our hands up and they ended up tieing our hands behind our backs and taking us to a red truck.

That's when I saw who was driving the truck: Paul and Patryk

"Oh, hey 'Jake'" Paul said jokingly

"We got three down-none to go" Patryk said

And off we went in the truck.

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